The Group Project

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   "Alright class! For the next few weeks you will be working together in groups to complete a project. That's right. A Project. But this isn't just any normal project ... this one is one you will actually have to put some EFFORT into!" My English teacher announced to the class grinning.

   Several kids moaned, a few sighed very loudly. I just rolled my eyes. We all knew this group project thing would be a huge pain.

   One girl, named Zoe, raised her hand.

   "Yes Zoe?" The teacher asked.

   "Hi, uhm ... I was just wondering if we got to pick our partners or not ..." Zoe asked quietly.

My teacher chuckled and replied, "Yeah, that's a no. Definitely not." My teacher went to her desk and pulled out a paper, "I already have the groups picked out!"

Immediately, everyone started complaining. Including me. Our teachers almost always picked groups for us. We never felt like we had any freedom.

"Oh you guys, shush, shush! All of you! Look, I have been planning these groups for quite a while," My teacher said while she was looking at her paper, "Alright, I haven't even told you guys what this project is, and you guys are already complaining!"

All of us slowly started to clam down. But everyone was still really annoyed.

"Alright, so what you guys will be doing is putting together a poster about what makes a hero." My teacher said smiling.

Almost every student started chuckling. Seriously? What makes a hero? What is this, 3rd grade?

"I know, I know ... it doesn't sound like a super mature topic, but trust me it's effective! You and your groups will be putting together a poster about people in your life that you guys view as hero's! Then, you are going to describe what makes that person a hero in your eyes." My teacher exclaimed sounding really excited.

I instantly tried to think of people who I viewed as hero's. I couldn't think of any group of people that were hero's in my eyes. So I then lowered it down to one person being viewed as a hero. I couldn't think of anyone ... my mind was blank.

"Alright class, any questions?" The teacher asked.

The room was dead silent. You could seriously hear a pen drop.

"Ok then! I guess I will just tell you guys your groups." She then grabbed her piece of paper and started reading off names.

"Josie, Caleb, Leo, Sam, and Betty! You are group one!"

I heard many people cheering when they heard their group as

"Josh, Hannah, Ari, Jared, and Tessa! You are group two!"

I started checking people off on the list of people that I did not want to be in a group with. I was getting pretty fortunate ... but after a while Victoria, Jessica, and Ashley's names were not being called. I really did not wanna be in a group with them.

"Alright, and the last group ..."

I couldn't keep track of who the only ones left were ... but I knew I was one of the left over kids who weren't already in a group.

"Victoria, Ashley, Jessica, Zane,"

Me. I knew it was me.

"And Rae."

I looked across the room and everyone in my group was staring at me. Even Zane. He looked a little worried.

Victoria gave me a dirty look and raised her poorly manicured hand.

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