Chapter 1

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Another day at the Studio, and Henry was always over working himself. His friends were starting to get concerned.
Henry now sat in his office drawing as if his life depended on it. Boris, Norman, and Sammy walked into his office.
"Hey Henry, You've been really over working lately are you okay?" Norman asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine, I just love my job." Henry explained with a smile.
"Yeah cuz your job is literally drawing your boyfriend." Sammy muttered. "What was that Sammy?" Henry asked. "Nothin." Sammy replied quickly.
"Henry, maybe you should take a brake huh?" Norman said. "What?! No way!" Henry said, still drawing.
Boris took a piece of paper and wrote on it : I will get Bendy if you don't take a brake, you know he'll make you, or at least annoy you into it.
Henry rolled his eyes. "Guys it's fine I'm fine it's not over working if you love your job!" He declared. "That is very untrue." Sammy said flatly.
Boris left to get Bendy. Henry ignored Sammy and Norman as they tried different ways to try and persuade Henry to take a brake.
Bendy came into the room. "He's being ignorant, good luck with that." Norman said as him and Sammy walked out of the room.
"Heya Henry, why do you draw so much? Maybe you should take a break." Bendy said. "But I just love drawing why should I have to stop?" Henry looked down at Bendy.
"I swear I'll continuously dance on your desk until you take a break." Bendy declared. Henry smirked. "You're too short to get onto the desk!" Henry said, poking where Bendy's nose should have been.
"Am not! I can climb up!" Bendy said. He climbed into Henry's lap and up onto the desk from there, a satisfied look on his face.
"Cmon Henry you need a break." Bendy said sternly. "Whatcha gonna do about it?" Henry asked. "I will simply annoy you." Bendy said.
"Nah, I love you too much for you to annoy me." Henry smirked. "I can be really annoying though!" Bendy said.
Henry chuckled and patted Bendy's head. He then picked the little demon up and plopped him in his lap, continuing his drawing.
Bendy crosses his arms and looked angrily up at Henry. "Aw, are you mad at me?" Henry asked. Bendy nodded. "Okay fine I'll take a break!" Henry sighed.
"Yay!" Bendy said, jumping up and hugging Henry around the neck. They walked down the hall and into the break room.
What they saw made them instantly shut the door and walk down a different hallway. "I think that was, umm... unexpected." Henry said.
"What was?" They turned around and saw Susie behind them. "Err... we walked into the break room and saw I think it was Sammy and Norman were kissing." Henry explained.
"Holy cow seriously?!" Susie asked with wide eyes. Bendy and Henry nodded. "Ah, just like you two every time your alone." Susie said, then ran off laughing before they had time to react.
There was a sudden loud bell throughout the Studio, the doorbell was ringing. "Who could be wanting to get into the Studio?" Henry wondered out loud.
He walked to the door and answered it, Bendy hiding behind his legs. It was Joey Drew. "Joey?!" Henry said surprised.
"So you started a new studio eh? Why didn't you tell me I thought I was your best friend. Is that a cat?" Joey looked down and saw Bendy hiding behind Henry.
"Joey, you were my friend until you tried to practically kill everyone by telling them to come to the possessed studio we worked at years ago. Why?" Henry asked angrily.
"What? I never tried to kill you I-" Joey got cut off. "Then what did you try to do huh? Because it really looks like you tried to kill us by somehow summoning our characters to life and making them evil when they touch ink! What's wrong with you? You need to leave, nobody wants to see or talk to you." Henry growled.
"Wait a second, is that Bendy?!" Joey saw Bendy's tail. Henry slammed the door in Joey's face. Henry muttered to himself angrily as he went walking off into the halls.
The next morning when Henry went to work, he saw a letter in front of the door when he opened it. He picked the envelope up and saw it was for all the workers at the studio, from Joey Drew.

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