Chapter 3• Mama Suga

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After controlling your emotions and thinking about what you did you walk out of the bathroom stall.You look around to see it theres anyone.No one else was in the restroom.You walk to a mirror and sink and turn the faucet on waiting for cold water to come out.You stare at yourself in the mirror.You put your hand on your cheek then smile softly.You splash Cold water onto your face to get rid of all the Drowsy still left in you.You dry you face off with a paper towel then fix your hair and uniform.

You step outside the bathroom to feel the breeze.You then look to your left and Suga was standing there.You jumped a little,You really weren't expecting him.He smiled softly and waved.You smiled back at him.

He took you to sit down at a near by felt the breeze hit you in the face.Suga was rummaging through his backpack when he pulled out some tissues and cookies.He took a tissue and dabbed it softly on parts of your face you didnt dry out with the paper towel.You face him as he stops and pauses for a second.He puts the back of his hand on your cheek then forehead.

"Did you splash cold water onto your face?" He said curiously still looking around your face to see if it was still wet.You smile and nod your head.Suga smiles then throws the tissue in a trash can.He opens the bag of cookies and points it to you,Signaling to take one.You take one and begin to eat it.

"So what was all of that back there Y/N?" Suga said with a worried face.You looked at him and shrugged your shoulders shyly. You then explained the note and how Ushijima grabbing your wrist got you flustered.Suga was supportive through the whole story.He was like a mom you never had.

"Well you dont have to worry much about Ushijima now,We all gave him our scoldings" Suga said with a small laugh as he put his hand behind his neck.You laugh at the thought Suga karate chopping Ushijima's Stomach.You two talked for a bit more until the Bell rang again.Class was almost about to start.You two said your goodbyes and went different ways.

For your next class you had Science.You were paired up with Terushima in that class.As you were on your way there you encountered Terushima.High on Energy like always.He ran over to you waving.

"Y/N!!!" He said So that everyone around looked at him.You stopped walking and waved shyly.As he got closer he picked up his speed.He had his arms wide open and gave you the biggest hug,Almost making you two fall over.Your face was as red as a tomato.You felt stares from all around.You didnt really know what to do."Should I hug him back? I..why am i getting so much attention now?" You think to yourself.Terushima then lets go of you,His face inches away from yours.He had a huge smile on his face.

"Well if you take a picture it'll last longer y'know?" Terushima said as he stuck his tongue out.Almost like if he were posing.You scoff and rub your eyes.By this point Terushima was already walking without you.

"Hey Loser you dont wanna be late do you?" He said looking back to you.You smile and catch up to him.

Once you two were in class you couldn't stop thinking about what you did to Ushijima.You felt such regret and pity for him.But you couldnt hold back.As the teacher Said the final instructions he left the class.There was already a paper on everyones desk.Terushima faces you.You didnt notice at first.But i was like he was examining you.After a few minutes you looked at him.

"So are you gonna meet him at the Library?"He  said blank facial expression. You look at him almost in shock.But then you think about it,Tendou probably told everyone that was around.You look back down at your paper and rest your chin on your hand.

"Well..yeah i guess..." You say in a quiet voice.You start tapping your pencil on your desk as you think of all the things that could go wrong.Is it just a prank and someone else wrote the note? Did i slap him too hard and now he hates me? Does he hate me even more now? A million thoughts were flowing through your mind.

"Y'know Y/N..." Terushima says looking down at your pencil.You look over at him in confusion.

"After you started running away Ushijima almost ran after you" He said looking up at you in your eyes.You had a shocked expression on your face.Ushijima actually cared?But then Terushima laughed.

"Suga Stopped him when he karate chopped him in the stomach" He tried controlling his laughter just to not disrupt the class.A sudden smile came across your face.You looked back down at your paper like you were flustered.So he did really care...

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