Chapter 23 • planned and unplanned

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i walked outside with Hinata. Ushijima was leaning on a wall.It felt weird seeing him again,even if it was only last night.

Hinata then skips away leaving only Ushijima and I.

"Y/N.." His voice was deep and cold. He was such a softie for me a week ago,,Has so much really changed in that time? I stayed quiet. What a dramatic start.

"Why did you go out of your way to try and take me home yesterday?" His voice softened up. I immediately lost track of all my thoughts.See i was expecting to get yelled at,,but not exactly that.

"Tendou and Semi asked me for my help,,dont flatter yourself" I cross my arms.He lightly smiled.

"Thank you for worrying" .I stopped. Did he really just..THANK me? For worrying about him.He's just so full of himself by now.This is complete bullshit.

"Your thanking ME? For worrying about YOU? you're so full of yourself Ushijima" I glare at him.The smile disappeared from his face.

"How am i full of myself?! Youre the one continuously hooking up with Kuroo!" He stood up from the wall.

"It was one time! You've hooked up with me and other women!" I point at him. Man  he really gets on ny nerves.

He stayed quiet for a bit.

"Youre filled with absolute bullcrap Ushijima! Asking me to do favors for YOU ,,hooking up with YOU,,and you still go out of your way to make me worry for your dumb decisions!" I was basically shouting by now.My eyes started watering.

"And so what? What if i hook up with other women! You dont care! If anything you shouldnt care!!" His voice going back to a stone cold tone.

"i am! I was! Ever since we were children Ushijima! I've liked you since then,,But you chose to never acknowledge me! To never talk to me! Whats with you? I've cared for you for the longest time..And you barley take a hint?" .His eyes widened by my confession.It was true.

I've liked him since we were kids.But he never talked to me,he never sat next to me.He didn't even breathe next to me. I tried my hardest ever sine. But i gave up in my second year. The only time Ushijima would talk to me was when he needed his water bottle or a towel,,at practice.

I sooner or later gave up.

That was until Tendou told me about the note.

I felt so happy around him.To know that he enjoyed hanging out.

But in conclusion..

he only saw me as a good friend.

Ushijima couldnt think of what to say. He was confused.He looked at me one last time then began walking the other direction.

So im not even getting friend zoned?

Just ignored?

Thats great..

I wish he really knew my plan..To make him jealous by hanging out with other people he didn't exactly have the greatest thought on.

Turns out i just ruined it for myself in the end.

Tears slowly began coming down my face.

It hurt a lot more than i thought it did.

My mind was hazy,,I didnt really know what to do or think.

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