Chapter 10• Nekoma boys are something else

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So like i think im gonna write this chapter in your POV just to change things up so yeah :),,,excuse me if i say "you" instead of "i" please :D

I arrived to Shiratorizawa and went straight to the room where Nekoma was sleeping.Fukurondai had their own Team managers so it would give them an easier time finding their way around campus. All the boys were still asleep.There were cards and water bottles all around the floor.The bathroom seemed to be in use though.Just as I noticed the bathroom being in use the switch turns from "Occupied" to "Vacancy" .One of the boys must have been in the shower.And I was right,The door slid open and a bit of fog came out.I saw a shadow but i couldnt tell who it was.The shadow moved more into the room,Towel around his shoulders and his hair dripping wet.He then seems to notice me.He takes another step from out of the fog.

It was Lev. His face seemed to be as red as a tomato though.I examined him and then it hit me.He didnt have a towel arouns his hips.I squealed and covered my eyes with my hands.Lev panicking and grabbing the towel that was on his shoulders and then wrapping it around his waist.I then saw Kuroo rise from his bed.

"I heard a rat?" He got up and stretched.When I turned to look at him his face also flushed red.I examined him and he was in only his boxers.

"Oh noooo" I groaned as i covered my eyes again.I felt somone bump into me from behind.I turn to look around and it was Taketora,But once again his face was red just like all the others.You looked down and noticed that his towel fell to the ground.I then squeal again and back up into the Nekoma room.I bumped into someone else this time,It was once again Kuroo.He was still in his boxers like it was nothing.I fell to the ground with my eyes still covered by my hands.I felt a nose bleed coming.

By this point the whole team was awake and wondering what was happening. Then out of all of a sudden i felt Kuroo grab me by my hips again and lift me up like if i were simba fron the lion king.He then walked over to his bed and placed me there.

"You dont need to cover your eyes Y'know?" Half of the players went back to sleep and the other half were too awake now.Some went out into the halls to change in the other bathrooms and others went into the bathroom they had in the room.

"P-please put on some clothes first,Kuroo" I was as red as a strawberry.

"I feel more comfortable like this" You peek through your hands and saw Kuroo stretch again.My eyes were pointed directly at-

"Y/N youre such a perv" Kuroo Joked.

"Dont say thatttt" I groaned.Kuroo laughed.

"Lev,Taketora,I believe Y/N deserves an apology" Kuroo signals both of the boys to come over.Lev comes over and stands by Kuroo.Taketora on the other hand Crosses his arms and pouts.

"For what? I dont even know her! She's probably just one of your fangirls that wanna have sex with you Kuroo!" My face flushed even more red from Taketora's remark.He really did not hesitate.

"You fucking idiot,For flashing her of course! Also she's the manager of Shiratorizawa's Volleyball club,aNd- I DONT HAVE SEX WITH RANDOM WOMEN" Kuroo defensively yelled back at Taketora.

"Yuh huh! You ditched us last week just to go have sex with one!" Kuroo was now angry at how stubborn Taketora was being.

"WELL YOU DONT KNOW IF I FUCKED HEr OR NOT" Kuroo has woken up the rest of the team wish his angry remarks at Taketora.

"YOU TOLD US HOW GOOD YOU FELT THE DAY AFT-" Taketora also began yelling.It was a disaster in this room.

"AT LEAST I'VE SLEPT WITH SOMEONE" Kuroo crossed his arms and turned back to look at me.




"NO" Kuroo finalized the argument.The room went dead silent after that. Just after a few seconds I hear running coming up to the Nekoma Room.It was Ushijima.He came into the room to see me sitting on Kuroo's bed and him in his boxers.Along with some other boys in towels and others in normal clothes. Sudden shock came onto his facial expression.There were a mixture of emotions on his face.Shock, Disappointment,and Anger.Everyone looked at him Blankly.You then look at Kuroo and back at Ushijima.Sudden realization came into your mind.

"WAIT NO ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" You say standing up and waving your arms around.Kuroo smirks and looks at you.He places his arm around your shoulder and leans down to your height.

"Oh no its exactly what it looks like" He had that same stupid cheeky smirk as always.You then see Tendou's head pop out.

"Ouhhhh Y/N...I thought you were supposed to be Ushijima's love interest~~~" Tendou narrowed his eyes and smiled.You were in panic not knowing what to do or respond.

"Well she's with us for today,She'll be showing us around today,Sorry about that Ushiwaka" Kuroo frowned then smiled.It seemed like he was trying to piss off Ushijima.

Ushijima never said a word.He turned around and began to walk back.Tendou still had that stupid grin on his face as he followed after Ushijima.

Kuroo turned to look at you and you turned to look at him.But before he could say anything,,

"I dont wanna hear it,Put on some clothes and then we can talk" You calmly say.Kuroo stands there blankly.He nods his head

"C'mon everyone,Lets get ready" he clapped so that the half alseep could fully wake up..

These Nekoma Boys are crazy.

Woahhh look at me on a role,,,updating at 3 am.Maybe i'll upadte again later this day but yeh ty for reading <3

p.s vote you nerd >:( gives me motivation to keep writing 🗿

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