Chapter 6• Back to the past

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something you'd never expect saying.Ushijima crouching on the floor holding one of your panties.Your mouth wide open and Tendou on the floor trying not to laugh.Ushijima starts to panic and throws the underwear into the drawer and slams it shut.He was mumbling a bunch of words under his breath.They all wait for your reaction.You scoff then smile.You begin to laugh.

"Youre such an idoiot" You say plopping onto the ground and laughing even more. Ushijima was a red as a tomato.Semi, Oikawa,and Tendou were all laughing too.

After you 5 talked for a while you layed blankets in your room for them to sleep on.As soon as that was done they all passed out.Leaving you awake last and smiling.

In the Morning~•*^

When you woke up you saw Semi and Tendou looking over you.

"Oh well looks like she isnt dead afterall,huh semi?" Tendou said as he placed his arms on his hips.Semi nods.

"Ushijima made breakfast,Hurry up and get ready,we have plans for today" Semi said as he and tendou left the room.

"wow no "goodmorning" 's or anything"'' You say to yourself.You get up from your bed and brush your hair.You get all your clothes and change in the bathroom just in case.

You choose some Navy blue Dad jeans,And a white t shirt that looked a little to big for you.You slipped on your vans and walked downstairs.

The smell of Pancakes filled the air downstairs.Ushijima made them? Might need to actually wife him up then.You snicker at the thought of Ushijima being a Heir.You walked into the kitchen to see Yue and the three boys chowing down on Ushijima's pancakes.Ushijima looks up at you with a blank facial expression.

"Are they really that good...?" You quietly say as you take a seat next to Oikawa. Yue gets up from her seat and walks over to Ushijima with her plate in her hand.

"One more?" With puppy dog eyes on her face.

"Yue how many have you had..-" Ushijima says as he looks down at her.

"A few..." She says twiddling her fingers under her plate.He laughs and he puts his hand on her head.

"You need to go get ready,we have to get going soon" He said with a soft smile.You were shocked and in awe.Ushijima looked so serious but he's such a softy around children.It made you blush a bit to know your fake boyfriend gets along with your little sister.

Yue pouts.She takes her plate to the sink and heads upstairs to get ready.

After Everyone eats you guys begin to head out.Yue on Ushijima's shoulders like last time.

"You guys never said where we were going" You said as you looked up at Oikawa.He looked down at you with a smirk.

"You'll see" Oikawa said with a smirk,He didnt turn to look at you either.It made him even more suspicious.You glare at while you all continue walking.Another eventful day.

After a while you guys stop at a woman's clothing store.

"And we are here for what reason?" You said not really wanting to be here.You all entered the store.

"We need to get you a new outfit for tonight" Semi says as he begins to look around.Before you can say anything else Tendou begins talking.

"We already looked through your closet"

"If you wanna look good for your fake boyfriends family tonight,You have to dress nice" Oikawa said joining in.

"You wouldnt wanna poor Ushijima to he embarrassed would you?" Semi said putting his hands on your shoulders and pushing you into a fitting room.

"We already found one for you!" Oikawa said shoving a dress into your hands.You extend the dress out.It looked like it was tight on the waist and the chest.

"Dont you think this is a bit...sexual?" You say with a concerned tone.

"Not at all!" Oikawa said before he closed the fitting room door.Welp,its now or never.

After a few minutes you open the door,You were tugging on the dress,Ot was super tight and exposed your figure.You saw Ushijima blush and Oikawa's eyes shine.

"No" Semi seriously said.He handed you another dress.And it went on like that.Trying multiple dresses on until you guys found the one.It was a white floral dress.The flowers were a mix of pastel pink and yellow.It was already 3:00 when you guys left the store.Ushijima had to go home to change.The boys accompanied him.You were only left with Yue now.

You took your time to get ready.Since you had Two hours left of course.You were sliding your shoes on when you hear a knock on the door.

"Yue can you answer that for me?" You struggled putting the other shoe on.Hue nodded and put her game down.She walked over to the door and opened it.At first she peeked to see who it was.You heard her let out a big gasp.You didnt know what happened so you hurried over to the door.


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