Chapter 19• Found but not found

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Once we were dropped of at the sidewalk outside of the place we had to brainstorm a plan for Goshiki to either stay out of trouble or come into the club with us.

"Its either Goshiki could stay in the candy shop down the street or we sneak him in" Tendou elaborated.

"Or...A fake ID!" I exclaimed.Kuroo put his hand on my head quickly.Almost slapping me.

"Dont be so loud" He looked around us to see if anyone actually looked at us for my shout.

"Right..Ah..sorry.." I murmured.

"Aha!" Semi pointed his finger up.We all looked at him.Its probably gonna be a stupid idea,,Why get all excited.

"Someone and Goshiki can wait outside and the rest of the three can go in!" We all stopped for a moment.This could actually work.Just so that Goshiki didnt have to wait outside being anxious with all the drunk people around him.

"Yeah! But..Who's going in and who's staying out..." Tendou said.

"Well Y/N is for sure going in.." Semi leaned on a pole behind him.

"Ah! Kuroo,Y/N,and Tendou could go in! Y/N would go because she's the one who dragged us into this,,Tendou could go because he's been friends with Wakatoshi since forever,And Kuroo can go just in case another guy hits on Y/N!" Goshiki jumped.My eyes widened.Were so dumb for not actually using our brains.

Tendou groaned.

"But-" He was just about to begin a sentence but i cut him off.It was already late we couldnt waste time in finding Ushijima we had to make it back to school before 10 or else we'll be locked out.

"No,Were going in there and finding Ushijima" I grab tendou's wrist and drag him near the entrance of the club.

"Stay out of trouble" Kuroo laughed before catching up with Tendou and I.

There wasnt much line to get into the club.But it was still such a long wait..

"Hey Y/N.." Tendou put his phone back int his pocket and looked at me.

"Yeah?" I look at him.I was distracted by all the street lights.

"Uhh..Dont you think that,If we knew we were coming to a club to get Ushijima,We shouldve at least dressed like it..?" He looked me up and down.I scoffed but then i thought about it for a moment.What if this club was high class? And we would get turned down at the entry?

"Nooo..We'll be okay..." I cross my arms. I was pretty confident about it.There would be no way we could get new outfits too.

After a few minutes we were at the front of the line.

"ID's" The bouncer asked us.His voice was low and scary.It made me not even want to breathe around him.

We all take out our ID's and show them to him.The bouncer looked hesitant at first but then signaled us fo go in.

Alright then Ushijima.Here we are.

We all walked it and got hit with the smell of cigarettes.WHAT WAS IT WITH THIS CITY AND CIGARETTES. The scent of beer and wine also trailed along.

The club seemed ordinary.People dancing,Loud music,LED lights.

"He dosent seem to be around here.." Tendou squinted his eyes and look around more.

"Hey whats that?" I nudge Kuroo and Tendou and point at two large black doors.We turn our attention to it as a male comes out of there,Barley walking straight.

Kuroo lowered my hand so that i wasnt pointing at the door anymore.Just for safe measures in case any drunk guy got offended.

The man seemed flustered and lost in his thoughts.

"Maybe he's drugged up" Tendou shrugged his shoulders.Then a female comes out of the doors.She walked with confidence and power.She seemed familiar to me.I've seen her somewhere but i couldnt put my finger on it.

I pull Tendou and Kuroo over to the side.

"You guys see that Lady walking over there?" I said in a quiet voice.They both leaned in to hear me since the music was loud.

"Yeah the one with the black hair?" Kuroo asked.I nod my head.

"She seems really familiar" I say.The boys looked at her again before she disappeared into the crowd of people.

(This would be like where i stop the chapter but i think i've left too many cliffhangers and just disappeared for days so yay for A/N not leaving a cliffhanger 💀)

"Now that i think about it..She does seem familiar" Kuroo stood up straight.Until i finally got my hands on it.

That girl was the girl i saw talking to Ushijima in the gym two days ago. It was when i met Kuroo in the rain and she stomped out of the gym in anger.I jumped with excitement.

"Ah!" I turn to Kuroo and pat his arm multiple times eagerly.He turned back to me and bent down.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"Remember when we first met outside of the Shiratorizawa gym and we were talking and this girl came out of the gym super mad? THATS HER!" I sounded like a child who just received a million presents.Kuroo laughed at how excited i was when i identified the girl.

"So you think she's here with Ushiwaka?" He asked me before standing up straight again.

"Yeah but.Theres no sign of Ushijima anywhere..." I pause for a moment before Tendou lets out a loud gasp.

"There he is!" Tendou put his hands on my shoulders and shook me.He then let go of me.

"Well- You didnt have to shake me.." I rubbed my head and then i processed what Tendou said.Ushijima! Finally!

I was about to walk over to him before Tendou and Kuroo stopped me.

"You cant just march over there and then take him home" Tendou slaps the back of my head.

"If the girl did come here with him and if she saw you just going over to Ushijima she wpuld pick up a fight" Kuroo said. Ushijima was sitting on a couch looking at his phone. The girl was no where in sight.

"But she's no where to be seen!" I whine. I felt tired ,i just wanted to get Ushijima home.

"You still just can march over there and take Ushijima!" Kuroo said almost yelling at me.I looked at him shocked. I wasn't expecting him to get so mad.

I felt like my eyes were watering.(and for what 😔 LMAOAOA SORRY) Kuroo's face softened as he saw my eyes water.

"NOOOOOOO Dont cry Y/N.." He puts his hands on me cheeks and bends down to my height.

"I WASNT GONNA CRY" I pout and cross my arms.Kuroo smiled then took his hands off my cheeks and stood back straight.

"Hey you guys" Tendou taps my shoulder. Kuroo and i turn our attention to him.He was looking in the direction where Ushijima was.He seemed scared or in shock.His expression was hard to read.

"What happened...." My voice dies off as i look at Ushijima.There he was,Sitting on the couch.With a drink in his hand.

Making out with the girl.

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