chapter 1

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~6 months later~

Gladion POV

'Mother, what are you doing! This is against everything the Aether foundation stands for!'

I stared, horrified at the scene playing out before me. Mother and Faba in front of Type:null's cage, sending Pokemon in, one after another, beating up the enchained creature. 

I was originally walking toward the conservation area, not being able to sleep well tonight for some strange reason. Then I heard it. An pained, agonized howl, echoing through the corridor, sending a chill down my spine. Following the cries, I found this. This monstrous crime my mother's committing. This unforgivable deed.

'Gladion...' Her voice was sugary sweet but obviously fake, as it always was like every living moment of his life. 'I don't know why you're here, or how you found this room, but as you can see, mommy is very busy right now.' She suddenly lunged forward, seizing my wrist, her sharp nails digging into my my skin, pulling me close, but not in a warm way, more a snake, beginning to kill it's prey. 'So be a good little boy for mommy and go back to bed like this never happened.' She hissed into my ear, her voice barely audible. 

She pulled back slowly, her facial expression plainly stating that no wasn't an option. I just nodded, retreating hastily to the door. Why...why am I leaving? I should stand up to her. I should help type:null. I can't leave it with her, and Lillie and I can't stay either. WHY ARE YOU STILL RUNNING AWAY!? I'll leave tonight, later when she's gone. Then we'll leave, Lillie, type:null and me. After that we can help save Alola from the Ultra Beasts and mother.

And then I ran. Running back to the blank walls of my room once again, away from mothers insanity. 

'Lillie,'I called out desperately, throwing open the door, 'we need leave. Now.' Her surprised expression turned to worry and fear, her mind registering my words agonizingly slowly. 'Why?' She cried, confusion written across her face. 'It isn't safe here with mother anymore. She's committing crimes and hurting Pokemon.' I explained as quickly and as simply as I can while packing the few essentials that we'll need.

'No.' I whipped around to stare at her shaking her head, momentarily losing my ability to speak. Doesn't she understand? Mother is losing it, it's not safe to be around her. 'It isn't safe to stay here... so we need to go.' I said slowly, waiting for her to comprehend. However, her expression stayed in the stubborn manner that told me her next words. 

'No Gladion, we can't leave. It's not right. She's our mother.'

'She's a felon Lillie, we need to go now.'

'Well i'm not going, and you shouldn't either.'

'I must go, and I can't leave you behind!'


'Because your my sister and I can't help but worry about you!'

'Then I don't want to be your sister!'

Lillie POV

My eyes widened in horror at what I just said. I tried to vocalize an apology, but my voice died in my throat. He spun away from me, walking towards the door. 'Then from this day on, I won't be your brother anymore.' His voice was cold, devoid of emotion. 

Then he left. 

I stared at the blank air that had replaced his presence, tears running down my cheeks. 

I curled into a ball, hugging my knees. 

And cried

What have I done?

Gladion POV

I wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall. Now isn't the time for that. Who knows that she'd done to it already. I ran into the lab, not trying to cover my footsteps. I tapped gently on Type:null's cage, causing it to growl at the sound. I tried to give an assuring smile, but my emotions were screaming against my ability to do so. Finding the key, on the table. Huh. Not very careful, I unlocked the cage. Type:null sprung out then made an unmistakable gesture of wanting me to climb onto its back.  

Well...If it believes it could do it, than it probably be best to trust its judgement. 

I climbed on, slightly unstable due to the height that I suddenly was up at, and looked up to see her glaring at me. 'Gladion...' Her voice was no longer sweet, but a instead a hiss, broadcasting her displeasure. 

'Type:null, use hyper beam.' I shouted. 'And aim to the left, beside her head.' I added in an undertone.

It followed my orders with precision that none other could match. Disorienting her with the debris created by the move. 'Lets go.' 

Lusamine POV 

He stole Type:null. He attacked me. His own mother. HOW DARE HE. No son of mine will reject my love, and certainly won't steal my research material . So from this day on, I will have no son. My only children would be the beautiful ultra beasts... and that thing, Lillie, I suppose. Though my heart will always be with the beasts, the ones that truly deserve my love and protection. But I think I can spare a little bit of love for her, after all she is technically my daughter by blood, that is, after i make sure all the Pokemon and beasts especially, receive enough first. Anyway. It's too late to get that null back now, I still have two more to experiment on. Besides, it isn't the the crucial part, the Cosmog is. The little creature is essential to summoning the beasts. But I'm wasting time now, the more experiments performed, the more likely it is to be a success. 

Once it's summoned, I'll let it take out its fury on the Alola region.

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