chapter 3

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Hi everyone! Before I begin, can I just say that the Aether sibling relationship is just the cutest?! Okay, enough of me let's start the chapter...

Lillie POV

Gladion... It's still so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that he left two days ago, that I pushed him away two days ago. The morning after he left, mother dragged me into her office, slapping me once I told her what happened, then sending me to my room, not allowing me to leave for a week. That gave me more than enough time to recall my actions that night and the argument had been haunting me ever since.

No Gladion, we can't leave. It's not right. She's our mother.

She's a felon Lillie, we need to go now

Well i'm not going, and you shouldn't either

I must go, and I can't leave you behind


Because your my sister and I can't help but worry about you

Then I don't want to be your sister

Warm tears trickled down my cheeks as vision circled through my mind again. Now when I have time to purely think, all I can remember of Gladion, is him caring and loving me, trying to make up for our mother's faults.

Him, sneaking into my room every night  with a piece of his own dinner, giving it to me because he knew mother keeps underfeeding us, despite his own hunger. Then taking all blame when he's caught doing so, even then he keeps doing it.

Me, accidentally shattering a flower vase, being sent to mother's office and was about to be punished, when he somehow heard of the event and ran in at the last second, telling mother that it was him who shattered it by throwing a ball inside. Then going to bed extremely late, viciously beaten.

Him, rushing to me, yelling my name with worry in his voice, just because I tripped on the carpet. Then insisting to carry me back to my room simply because he didn't want any chance of me getting hurt.

Thousands more of those memories swirled in my mind, each clearly broadcasting his love and care for me. And then...

Then I don't want to be your sister!

All he ever did was provide me with the affection that I'd never got from mother. Then what did I do? 

I rejected him. 

I pushed him away. 

I hurt him.

I never deserved him in the first place.

Then breaking down into the tears that poured from my eyes.

Sarah POV (I know, finally)

I stared at the waves overlapping each other.

I've never seen a real sized ship before, and certainly have never been on one. I was hungry, of course, quite a normal reaction from someone who hadn't eaten in 6 days, but that hardly mattered, in fact, I hardly felt it under the excitement of finally arriving in Alola. Describing me as ecstatic would've been an extreme understatement.

'Hey, kid.'

Oh no

'What're ya doin' here?'

So I was found eventually

'Hey, I know yer down there, come out, I won't hurt ya.'

Reluctantly, I crawled out of the box that I was hiding in, looking up at him innocently.

'Please don't send me back.'

My voice was strong and confident, carrying across the deck.

'Well, urm. That depends where ya came from.'

'The boat departed from Hoenn, so it's very likely that I was also from that region.' I explained mockingly

'Ah, you annoying little rascal are you always like this?'

'Why thank you, I try my hardest to be.'

He chuckled at my reply, ruffling my hair playfully.

'Yer one strange kid.'

I only smirked in response.

'Well, I sup'ose you c'n come along since you probably wouldn't 'ave run from 'ome if you didn't like it there. Alola's a good place. But 'ho are yer parents anyhow?' 

'My last name's Stone, but that doesn't really matter.'

'Stone, eh? Ya mean yer related to that Devon president?' He sneered at my last name.

So he doesn't like father? Perfect.


'So you ain't like him either?'

'No, why else would I have run away?'

'Ah, good. He makes shady deals.'

'I can assure you that all of his actions are legal. Just. It's his personality that drives people away'

'Wha'cha name kid?'

'Sarah. Yours?'

'Kylan Smith. But Ky's fine. How old are you again?'

'8 nearly 9.'

'I see.'

The silence stretched for a while until the land came into our sight.

'Well,' I said, standing up, 'it was a pleasure to meet you Ky, I hope we'll meet again, please don't tell father where I am.'

'Yeah, good luck.'

'Thanks, you too.'

~time skip to 10 minutes after~

I stood in the shade of the palm trees, watching silently as packages were unloaded from the ship, enjoying the breeze brush across my face. I'd spent some time in the forests in Hoenn before I came, occasionally working at a Pokemart. I wonder what I'll find here, it's said that the Alola region has the most jungles in the best condition. 

But I kinda want to be a pokemon trainer, not just spending my whole time in the jungle. Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually.

With one more glance back at the ship, I headed into the dark forest.

I'm sorry that chapter was shorter that the others! I'll try not to do that again. Do you think I should add sun and moon in? Or is it fine to just follow the game story line? Please comment or give feedback. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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