Chapter 22

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Pic above is Future Rogue Cheney—->

Akira's P. O. V:

The second I appear on Natsu's right and snarl up at the royal knights my friends are fighting, the knights immediately look scared shitless and look as though they are about to pee their pants.

Yeah. After my little encounter with Future Rogue, I am that pissed off right now. I ignore Natsu who is quivering with fear and his face sweating from beside me, as the knight before me swings his spear at me.

With my quick reflexes and natural strength, I press my fingers tightly together and chop clean through the knight's spear, right down to where he's gripping the shaft, before I swing a lightning-covered fist and uppercut the knight in the jaw. He goes flying back over his comes with a cry, and slams into the wall, leaving a small crater before dropping with a pained grunt on the floor.

Everyone stares with fright at the look of murder on my face, and the knight I'd just knocked out.

"Whoa! Nice left hook!" Lucy exclaims as her brown eyes pop in their sockets.

Lily, Vi, Momo, Wendy and Loke form large sweat drop.

"About flipping time! I've been trying to call you for the past two hours," Momo exclaims in relief. She puts the Communication Crystal away and continues to punch through soldiers beside Lily; she, Lily and Loki are in their Battle Modes.

 She puts the Communication Crystal away and continues to punch through soldiers beside Lily; she, Lily and Loki are in their Battle Modes

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(Pic is of Loki in his Battle Mode, just imagine him with bright green eyes and a green vest—->)

(Pic is of Loki in his Battle Mode, just imagine him with bright green eyes and a green vest—->)

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Book 2: Shadowed CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now