Chapter 6 | "...the unbelievable..."

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[I'm so sorry this chapter got cut off when I originally posted it. Please reread it and chapter 7 while you wait for chapter 8. Thank you anazing__gracie for pointing it out.]

[Thank you all for being patient. In between my heavy workload and data problems this took longer than I thought it would. I made the chapter extra long to make up for it.

Btw I opened an ao3 account so I'm considering posting this and my other work on there? What do you guys think?]



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[Thank you all for being patient. In between my heavy workload and data problems this took longer than I thought it would. I made the chapter extra long to make up for it.

Btw I opened an ao3 account so I'm considering posting this and my other work on there? What do you guys think?]


Tenji had noticed Tenten spacing out. Of course he had. He had however chalked it out to simple exhaustion. That was until the wheezing started─a sound that would echo in his nightmares later year.

He came to her side quickly signaling for their father to stop the wagon

"What's wrong, Tenten?" he asked his twin.

She tried and failed to speak coughing in into her hands.

Clear liquid glinted under the gaze of the moon trickling from the grooves between her fingers soiling her kimono─or what was left of it after she shed the upper layers.

Not some clear liquid but water, he realized.

Water pooled from her lips in bucket loads, choking her airways.

Tenji was frozen.

Her face had started to pale and turn blueish.

He sprang into action. Gently hitting at her back but it was hopeless.

She trashed on the floor, effectively drowning on dry land─just were was the water coming from.

Their father shook her awkwardly just as confused as he was.

Not even 6 minutes had before the thrashing stopped completely. Her eyes had glossed over. Everything was still.

A sense of anguish, more so than pain, had taken rule of his heart, and he was extremely light-headed.

It couldn't be, he thought. How? Why?

They had made it out... She had made it out...

He held her limp form in desperation. Gripping her wrist with his wet hands, searching desperately. Desperately searching for something that wasn't there. Her pulse.

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