Chapter 3 | "...the dreams I'll forfeit..."

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[Hey everyone this chapter took awhile Hey everyone this chapter took awhile mostly because I've been writing this whole thing as I go not really having a plan in mind like with Alchemy---I actually surprisingly like feels less stressful but at the same time I worry.

Next chapter will be interesting this chapter was mostly to tie things together. Next time will be the last time Tenten sees her family, and she'll meet Neji as well. Feedback would be nice. Where would you guys like this to go? How are you finding it so far?

Lastly I've been considering moving to ao3 not totally but like posting on both sites since I've been reading online a lot there recently without an account. Would that be more convenient for anyone? Or is the fandom not as pleasant there?]



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That night Tenten was housed in the priestess' abode at the Water God's temple.

As a village who primarily sustained itself on farming, fishing and cultivation the village mostly honoured the god of water. There were other gods favored in other parts of the country however. The sun god was the most admired one across the land and the deity of storms and lightning was well respected as well.

In the capital the gods of knowledge and war were considered important. While the goddess of love and peace was adored by most unmarried women─all except Tenten that was. There were no gods she really looked up to if she was being honest.

She however wisely kept her mouth shut when asked by the priestess.

"Good," the women answered, "His majesty is very jealous. All this started based on his jealousy afterall..."

"What do you mean?" Tenten asked.

"Well it's not as if you could tell anyone I suppose. The heavens are a mess. The water god's cousin was stolen from him by the sun. He was unhappy with this and threw a tantrum about it hence the droughts. His cousin cried to the goddess of love about it and they cursed the god of water to fall in love.

Due to a lack of eligible goddesses and human girl was to be sacrificed and anointed into godhood to be his bride. However his majesty hasn't been satisfied with the offerings thus far."

Tenten looked astonished. This story sounded to complex to be fabricated but on the other hand how could it not be? If it weren't then where did that leave her?

"Are you kidding me?" Tenten asked.

"Do think this is all an elaborate joke?" the priestess retorted her unusual silver hair fanning around her. Tenten noticed the slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She looked much older than she was. Somehow despite the greying hair and those slight creases she still appeared youthful. Her face was both young and old at the same time and Tenten wondered if that rumour she'd heard about the woman being 25 was true.

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