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Your P.O.V.~

Addison never did come back to the gym, and you ended up ignoring Wyatt. But now it was 7:30 pm and you were still at school. Everyone was at home, and you were alone walking around this large building. You always did this it was kind of like a therapy for you, just walking around a large building completely alone. As you walked around the large hallways and corridors, your thoughts drifted towards Wyatt. 

He was gorgeous to see the least perfect skin, cute scruffy brown hair with a white streak. He had such a cute fanged smile and seemed so caring. But he wasn't. He was just a player, clearly or he wouldn't have flirted with you and then immediately turned around and began flirting with you. That was just rude. 

You continued to walk around the building looking for somewhere to sit. But the second you turned the corner you wished you hadn't. You spotted Bucky looking right at you. No one else was here. You had to get out of there, he'd hurt you again. You immediately went back around the corner, as you began sprinting away.

"Get back here (Y/N) I just want to talk!" Bucky screamed from behind you, but you could hear the smirk in his voice. 

"Please just leave me alone!" You screamed not wanting to get through this again. 

This wouldn't be the first time that he'd touched you. The stupid perverted pompom. You turned around a corner, before sprinting down the stairs, he was still far behind you so you began looking for somewhere, to hide. 

You ran down the hall on the ground level as he began making his way down the stairs. He didn't have a backpack on as you did so he was significantly faster, but you had a head start. You tried turning the handles to a couple of classrooms, but knew it was too late as you found yourself at a dead end. 

"Hey (Y/N)," Bucky said approaching you from behind.

"What do you want jackass." You asked sourly.

"You know what I want," Bucky said with a smirk as he stepped forward.

You gulped a bit as you stepped back until you realized you had reached the wall. Bucky took advantage of that, as squeezed your thigh. You tried to move his hand, slapping him on the arm and kicking him but he wouldn't let go of you. 

"Please stop Bucky." You said as you felt tears in your eyes, as Bucky's hand traveled up your skirt. 

He began to rub your butt, as you tried to run, then you got angry. And with all the force you had in your body, you kicked him in the crotch. He screamed letting go of you. You immediately ran as fast and far as you could away from Bucky. You had to go somewhere that he would never dare to go.

Think (Y/N)! Think! Where would Bucky never go? You thought as you continued running to nowhere. The Forbidden Forest! He was completely scared of werewolves. You looked around to assess your surroundings and found yourself at the edge of Zombie Town.

Perfect you could enter the forest from there. You looked around to make sure no one was watching you or following you before began running as deep into the forest as you could go. Once you were deep inside, you realized you had no light and it was just continuing to get darker. 

You sat down on large rock as you pulled out your phone turning on the flashlight. You put it on your lap so that the light-filled the area around you. You felt tears falling from your eyes. You hated your stupid cousin, all he ever did was touch, you or insult you. At least he did full-on rape you didn't know what you'd do if he did.

Your quiet tears quickly turned into sobbing as you sat there alone in the forest, why did this have to happen to you. You'd never done anything drastically bad, but here you were crying because your privacy had been violated.

You continued to cry with your backpack sitting by your feet, and your phone on your lap. But your tears quickly came to a halt as you heard a twig snap from behind you. You immediately jumped up from your rock, dropping your phone onto your backpack. 

You stood there looking deep into the forest your hands ready to punch Bucky. But you realized it was too dark to see anything, so you grabbed your phone off of your backpack searching through the trees, that had behind you until you heard a voice come from behind you.

"What are you-" A voice called.

You spun around as fast as you could slapping the person in the face before they had the chance to finish what they were saying. You looked at the person unable to see who it was because your flashlight had shut off.

"Stupid phone." You screamed as you realized it had died.

"OW!" A boy screamed where he was crouched on the ground in front of you.

"Serves you right you perverted idiot now go away Bucky!" You screamed into the dark.

"You think I'm Bucky? Hurtful." The voice said, wait you knew that voice. And that definitely wasn't Bucky.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Wyatt!" You said crouching down in front of him in the dark, as you reached for his face. 

He winced a bit. "Do you take karate or something?" He asked, holding his cheek in pain.

"No. But I'm so so sorry." You whispered helping him up before taking him to the rock you had been sitting at.

You sat down beside him.

"It's okay. But might I ask why you were crying in the forest (Y/N)?" He asked you reaching for your hand squeezing it affectionately.

"I-" You couldn't say anything. 

No one knew about what Bucky did to you. He did this a lot but you didn't have the heart to tell anyone. You couldn't, you couldn't admit how weak you were to Wyatt, he'd just pity you. So you just looked at him in the dark, as the moonlight finally reached the both of you, and you spotter a bruise forming on his cheek. And as you looked this face the tears began to fall again. But Wyatt didn't say anything, he just wrapped an arm around your shoulders and let you cry into his chest.

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