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Addison's P.O.V.~

"What happened!?" (Y/N), asked angrily wiping the tears from her eyes, as we stepped out of the power plant.

"I have no idea! The necklace was there when we were at school!" I said looking at the box in my hand still completely dumbfounded. 

"We should head back to school we don't want our teachers to call home." (Y/N), said beginning to head down the street towards the school.

I felt really bad for (Y/N), we'd agreed at home that it'd be wiser if I took care of the necklace. Well, great job Addison you ruined everything and now (Y/N), might actually lose her first-ever boyfriend. (Y/N) reached the school first heading inside, as I walked in after her. I watched her as she took a seat glumly, on the school's inside benches sighing as she wiped at her eyes. 

She sat there looking into the doors of the gym, seeing crowds cheering for the school president candidates. I was slightly tempted to go and cheer Zed one than I remember that I had a sister who was hurting right now. I turned to her to see her looking at the ground disappointedly. 

"Addie, (Y/N/N) are you okay?" Bree said making me and my sister lookup

"I lost the necklace, Bree," I responded glumly. "I let the wolves down."

Just as Bree was about to say something. The Z-alarm began to blare scaring most of the students in the hallway. (Y/N), jumped up looking around, as realization wash over her face. She looked at me smiling, before running as fast as she could out fo the school. What was that all about?

"The Z-alarm?" Bree asked looking around, confusedly. The Z-alarm hadn't been used in a while.

"Attention! Attention! Monster activity at Seabrook Power." A voice blared over the intercom.

"That's where (Y/N) went!" I said in realization. "It's the werewolves! We need to help them! Bree, would you?" I asked smiling.

"I will. I'm in. Always." Bree said nodding confidently as I stood up.

"We can't do this alone. We need to rally the Z-team." I said thinking through what we needed to do.

"Right," Bree said nodding.

"No. Actually, we're gonna need everyone!" I said excitedly.

"Aye-aye, captain!" Bree said nodding.

Bree, quickly took off running into the still crowded gym, with me hot on her trail, we had to get that crowd to Seabrook Plant. With them, we could win! We could save the moonstone and the werewolves. I ran up to the stage grabbing a microphone as some of the crowd, began heading out of the gym.

"Wait!" I yelled into the microphone making everyone turn to face me. "We need your help!" I said smiling confidently. "The werewolves, are in trouble," I said wiping my eyes as I remember my heartbroken sister.

People stopped moving to look at me intently. It must have been hard for them to imagine such independent creatures being in trouble. But I needed as much help as I could so I had to convince these people to help the werewolves. Because without these people, my sister would lose the only guys she'd ever liked and all of her new friends.

"Hidden under Seabrook Power is the power source that keeps the werewolves, alive. If they demolish Seabrook Power, the stone will be destroyed. If it's destroyed the werewolves slowly but surely die." I said gravely as some people gasped. "We need as many of you guys as possible to come down to Seabrook Power! We can't let them destroy the werewolves!" I yelled loudly.

"Save the wolves!" Bree shouted.

"Save the wolves!" Someone in the crowd responded.

And just like that, the crowd began to cheer, as they ran towards the open doors. People rushed as fast as possible out the doors and right out the front doors of the school, heading to Seabrook Power. This was it! I did it! We were going to save the werewolves! 

"What's going on?" A voice called out from behind me.

"Zed!" I called out turning behind me to run into my tall boyfriend's arms.

"Hey, Addison." He said smiling down at me. "What's going on?" 

"We're going to save the werewolves!" I said with a gleam in my eyes, as I took Zed's hand, running with him to Seabrook Power with the rest fo the other students. 

Because together we could do this. We could save the wolves. 

Guardian ۵Wyatt Lykensen۵ (✓)Where stories live. Discover now