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Your P.O.V.~

Seriously! Why did you always have to run into the forest when you were sad or in trouble! It was so annoying and now you were barely inches away from vicious werewolves. Werewolves who weren't sweet like Wyatt. Werewolves that wouldn't mind eating you for dinner. You sat there huddled at the bottom of the tree just waiting for Wyatt to find you like you knew he would.

"I smell human." You heard a werewolf call into the forest.

"Then let's go find it." You heard another wolf respond.

You covered your mouth with your hand to try and lower the sound of your breathing. You could hear voices as the wolves walked around you. Then to your horror, I felt someone touching the tree you were inside. Then you felt someone aggressively reach inside the tree and pull you up by the hair.

"Dinner." The male wolf said with a smile, as you stood there beside the tree with a look of horror on your face.

This was it. This was how you were going to die. Alone in a forest. All because a werewolf ate you, you tried to struggle, away but the werewolf held your hair painfully tight. You dropped your backpack down on the ground beside you as the boy continued to drag your hair. There was no way out of this. This was the end, even Wyatt couldn't save you know.

"(Y/N)!" Wyatt screamed running towards where I stood up beside the tree.

He ran super fast jumping on to the wolf who had been hurting your hair. The boy immediately let go of your hair as he fell to the ground with Wyatt on top of him. You smiled gratefully, at Wyatt. Who stood up wrapping his arms around your small waist. You smiled shyly up at him.

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you right?" Wyatt asked as he brushed a strand of your hair out of your face.

"He just yanked my hair a bit, but I'll be fine." You said with a smile. Then you reached forward and hugged Wyatt tightly. "Thank you."

"Anything for you princess," Wyatt whispered.

Wyatt hugged you back as you hid your face in his neck. You felt so safe in his arms. Was that strange? It sounded strange to you but it was true he made you feel safe. The male werewolf stood up from the ground, cussing Wyatt out as he walked away.

You let go of Wyatt grabbing your backpack up from the ground. Please don't bring up earlier, please don't bring up earlier.

"About earlier-" Wyatt began to speak. Great just great now you had to speak about feelings. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," You whispered jaw clenched.

"Come on what's wrong pup?" Wyatt asked reaching for your hand squeezing it as he looked into your (E/C) eyes.

"Why are you helping me? I have nothing to give you in return. Your sister was right I'm just a damsel in distress." You whispered ripping your hand out Wyatt's grip.

"First of all, I'm helping you because I know you need it. I don't need anything in return, and finally, you are not a damsel in distress, your in a position where you have no idea what to do, and my sister doesn't know what you're going through." Wyatt said smiling at you as ran into his open arms.

"Thank you so much."You whispered hugging him tightly.

"Of course," Wyatt said hugging you as he ran his fingers through your white hair.

You let go of him pulling out your phone. It was 7:30 am homeroom was in 5 minutes. If you got their late your parents would assume it was Wyatt's fault right away. Wyatt looked at the time on your phone before looking up at you.

"I know how to get you there on time," Wyatt said smiling.

"How?" You asked slipping your phone into your pocket.

"Get on my back," Wyatt said with a smirk.

"Um okay." You said jumping onto his back as he put his arms under your thighs to make sure you were comfortable and safe.

"Hold on tight, werewolves are fast." He said with a chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly but not to tight that it hurt him. "Get comfortable." He said as he got into a running position. So you buried your face in his hair comfortably.

Then out of nowhere, Wyatt began to sprint out of the forest. As fast as possible, you could feel the cold air of his speed slapping against your body. You still sat their comfortably on Wyatt's back until you arrived at the school. But you stayed there for a moment. Just sitting on Wyatt's back as he stood there not even breaking a sweat.

Time to go to school with my new 'boyfriend'.

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