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Your P.O.V.~

"Um, I-." 

What on earth were you supposed to say? Your parents hated werewolves, so all you did was look at Wyatt awkwardly as your parents, waited for an answer scowls on their faces. Thankfully, it was pretty dark out so Wyatt's werewolf features were somewhat hard to see.

"I'm her boyfriend," Wyatt said smiling at you in the dark, which you returned.

"(Y/N)! You have a boyfriend! How cute!" Mom, said happily, stepping onto the front porch to introduce herself, to Wyatt. 

This was it she was going to know then she'd tell you to never talk to Wyatt, again then you'd never be safe from Bucky ever again. Dad, turned on the porch lights, as mom walked towards him. Then she made an earsplitting screech which you're sure woke up the whole city. Mom quickly ran back inside standing behind the door. 

Wyatt quickly stepped back, scared he was going to get yelled at. You reached for his hand squeezing it which he returned. You felt so bad, he was doing all of this to keep Bucky away from you. You couldn't let anything happen. But you had no idea what you were going to do as your dad began to pull out a taser. 

"Dad stop!" You screened jumping in front of Wyatt.

"You realize that you're with a werewolf, right!?" Dad yelled at you.

"Yes, I do!" You yelled back.

"(Y/N), get away from that monster it'll hurt you." Dad, said holding the taser up as he stood in a defensive stance.

"He is not a monster! Addison is dating a Zombie, so let me date a Werewolf!" You screamed loudly.

"Whatever, if I ever see him near here, again it's done. Now say goodbye and get into the house." Dad said walking back into the house, slamming the door behind him.

You looked up at Wyatt's sadness in your eyes. He didn't say anything her just looked so sad. So you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around his stomach. He hugged you back gently, as you buried your face in his chest. You felt so bad, your parents basically just bullied your boyfriend. Well fake boyfriend, but still you couldn't believe that they would do such a thing. 

"I'm so sorry." You whispered looking up at him. 

Wyatt dropped a hand to your waist, as he looked down at you, with a sad smile. You knew by his face that he was hurt, but he was also used to it. Used to being called a monster. He ran his hand through my white hair smiling sadly down at you.

"It's okay, princess." He said kissing my head.

"I'll see you at school." You whispered. "And thank you for doing this for me."

"Of course," Wyatt said as we broke apart.

Wyatt headed down the front steps of our house standing in the middle of our path with a smile on his face. He winked at you as you waved at him before he sprinted away as fast as possible. Wow, werewolves were fast. 

You stood there in the dark touching your cheek as you felt your face get warmer. He was really sweet. But why was he doing this for you? He probably just took pity on you for not being able to deal with your own problems. Or maybe he liked you? Yeah right stop lying to yourself (Y/N).

You walked over to the front door, pulling it open to see, Addison standing there, nervously. You stepped into the house shutting it quietly behind you. Then you ran into the warm arms of your twin sister. You needed her right now. Even if she didn't know why she was helping you. All you could do right now was stay in her arms, silently. 

Hoping praying that the tears wouldn't start to fall again. Addison was amazing. It was as if she could feel that you just needed a hug, and didn't want to speak. She stood there silently playing with your hair, as you hugged her tightly. Once you'd calmed down, she let go of you.

"Are you okay? I saw what happened." Addison said with a sad smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I- just Wyatt looked so sad when we were alone," You whispered looking at the ground. "I don't want him to feel ashamed, about being a werewolf. But dad pulling out the taser was just uncalled for." You said with an ashamed look. 

"I know sweetie, I'm sorry," Addison whispered hugging you, tighter, in her arms.

Addison was honestly the best twin sister, ever.

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