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Your P.O.V.~

You had no idea what was going on through Wyatt's head. But he seemed better, once you comforted him so you saw that as a job well done. After you finished comforting him, you took his large hands, in your small ones, leading him to the cafeteria. 

Wyatt sat down with a grin on his face, as you squeezed his hand. You then opened your lunch box, taking out your large white chocolate chip cookie, only to hear the bell ring, above you. You visibly groaned, as you put back inside your lunchbox, which you shut throwing it into your backpack.

You stood up about to throw your backpack onto your shoulder until you saw Wyatt throw it onto his shoulder. You smiled, as he intertwined his fingers with yours, as you smiled up at him. He was so sweet! How could anyone, not like him! Well I mean, yeah he was a werewolf but he cared about you and wanted to take care of you. He was too sweet to ever do something bad to you.


You and Wyatt were currently sitting on the football field, on a picnic blanket. He said he wanted to convince people, that you were dating. So he pretended to take you on a date. But if you were being completely honest, this honestly felt seriously real, to you. I mean he was holding your hand so intently, and looking into your (E/C), with such content. It really scared you, how into you seemed to be. But it didn't seem that he was acting.

Wyatt was sitting on normally with his legs out. Your small legs were draped over his. As he rested a hand on your thigh, you smiled up at him. As you sat here with Wyatt you couldn't help but wish that this was real. That he really did want to date, you for real.

You reached into your backpack carefully not trying to ruin the moment, as you reached for your lunch box. Once you opened your lunch box, you pulled out your large cookie, you'd been waiting to eat all day. You broke it in half, putting your half on your skirt, as you took Wyatt's half and began to feed him. 

He laughed but obliged. Once he finished the cookie, he growled, making you giggle. You could seriously get used to this. I mean Wyatt was so sweet and comfortable to be around. You ate your half of the cookie, and once you were done, you put away the lunch box. Wyatt looked at you, putting a strand of your white hair behind your ear with a smirk on his face. 

"What?" You asked smiling, at your fake boyfriend.

"Nothing," Wyatt said looking away smirk still playing at his lips.

Then out of nowhere, Wyatt flips us around so that you were lying down on the picnic, blanket. And he was climbing over you with a smirk on his face. You blushed a deep red, as he looked at you triumphantly. 

"Wyatt." You whispered blushing as Wyatt leaned his face down, kissing you carefully on the neck.

You felt your face turn 1000x redder, as he pulled his head back up so that he could see your face. You smiled awkwardly completely, confused as he smiled, down at you. I mean you didn't mind the kiss. It had made you feel electricity surging through your body. Wyatt flipped over so that he was lying on his back beside you so you took your opportunity, plopping down onto his stomach. 

He smiled at you with the brightest smile you'd ever seen before. He held your hands in his own. Wyatt didn't say anything, as he looked over your face. Yeah, you both passed faking a long time ago. This was far past faking this was all real. Suddenly there was a puff of purple smoke, which disappeared in almost an instant. Weird. As Wyatt's hand grazed your arm, he began to look at it in shock. You looked at his face and realized that he seemed to be worrying about something.

"What's that?" Wyatt asked pointing two upside-down black triangles, side by side on your forearm.

"I have no idea!" You said looking at them confusedly. 

You took your free hand trying to see if it was from a marker as you rubbed at it. Nothing. What on earth was this mark? And how on earth had it gotten on my arm? But Wyatt seemed to know as he touched his face, where he had the same markings on his face.

"I think I just imprinted on you."

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