Spider Hunting

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"This is Spider-Man. He is a vigilante down in Queens. Has been for almost a year," Nickolus J. Fury announced in front of every member of the Avengers.

"Your job is to bring him in for questioning. If he is a hero and does not work for Hydra, or any other Villain, we will ask him to become an Avenger," he finished. Captain America nodded, along with some others. But the ones who did not were either concerned or suspicious.

"Why are we just doing this now? What has he done in less than a year that caught your eye and not something he did a year ago?" Black Widow stated, suspicious.

"In two months he has taken down the 'sinister six' as people call them. They are a group of dangerous villains that includes The Vulture, Doc Oc and Misterio," Fury explained. Everyone nodded at this.

"I want Stark, Barton, and Romanov to go after him as soon as he goes on patrol. Try to talk first. If he doesn't come, resort to fighting, but I don't want him to be harmed more than a bruise or a scratch. For all we know you could be hurting an innocent person," Fury ordered. They nodded and went to suit up.

🙂 This is Jenny. She is a kind time skip. She takes you to 6 o'clock with our favorite(or not. That's my opinion, not yours) Spider.

"I know May, I know," Peter Parker.

"Then tell me," she ordered.

"Don't travel out of the state. Be home by 3am. If I get hurt, tell you immediately," Peter said. She nodded.

"Go get em, Spidey," she encouraged. He smiled, pulled on his mask and jumped out the window and swung away in search of crime. In an hour, he stopped 1 robbery, 2 kidnappings and a mugging. He stopped on top of a building to catch his breath. Soon, he heard footsteps behind him. His Spider Sense didn't go off, so he figured it was some fans or something. He stood up and turned. He didn't expect to see some of the Avengers there. He froze.

"O-oh my gosh! I-Iron Man! A-and Black Widow! And Hawkeye!" He shouted. Natasha looked at him weirdly.

"So, uh, what brings you guys to Queens? A crime? Something undercover?!" Peter asked.

"We came to talk to you," Clint said. Not that they could see, but Peter's eyes widened.

"W-Why me? I'm not that special!" He said.

"That's not what Fury thinks," he heard Tony mutter under his breath(his suit is behind him. He's not using it). He turned to him.

"Fury? Like as in Nicholus J. Fury?" He asked. The three turned to him.

"How did you know that?" Natasha said.

"Same way I know every Avengers full, real names," he commented.

"Haha you're funny, what's mine then?" Clint asked. Peer giggled a bit and then regained his composure.

"Clinton Elizabeth Barton," Peter recited. Clint hid his face and blushed. Natasha snickered. Tony was full out laughing.

"I wouldn't be laughing, Anthony Edward Stark," Peter aimed at Tony. The genius's laughs stopped. Natasha was laughing harder.

"You too Natalia Alianovna Romanova," He said. The other two looked confused and Natasha froze and sent a glare in his direction.

"How do you know that?" She hissed.

"Hacking SHIELD isn't hard," he said with a smirk. They all got serious.

"I'm going to ignore the past 3 minutes. Fury wants to talk to you," Tony said.



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