Chapter Six: Feeling Stressed...

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They have to be joking right???

I drop my bag and dart to the TV and stare at it.

(On the Tv)
"Kim Yerim, also known as Yeri, has been found in an alleyway with multiple stab wounds."

I feel sick......

"I-I-I-I-I c-c-can't go to s-s-school today..... I-I-I can't!!" I yell, making my parents look at me in shock.

"Y/n just breathe..... take a deep breath and-"

"NO MOM!! I CAN'T!!" I yell, cutting my mother off. "My ONLY good friend just got MURDERED!!!"

I run my hand through my hair and sigh. I grab my bag from the ground and throw it at a wall.

"Y/n calm down!" My dad yells, grasping my shoulders.

This is stupid...

I push away from him and grab my head. I can't believe she's dead!! They had her body shown all over the news!! This is UNBELIEVABLE!!

I need to get out of here.... I feel like I'm dying....

"What's going on with Y/n?" Tzuyu says, walking out of her room rubbing her eyes.

"He's just going through somethi- Y/N!! STOP!!"

I don't listen to her. I throw my books out of my bag and throw the bag at the wall. I then storm out of the house, slamming the door behind me.

I'm losing my mind right now.....

"Y/n? Are you okay? You look rough?" Wendy's voice is soft and soothing. When she said those words, my mood somehow softened...


I look at my clothes and sigh...

She's right. I do look rough....

"I-I-I- You heard about Y-Y-Yeri right? I'm just......" I pause and stare at the ground. I let the tears stream down my face, not bothering to wipe a single one away.

I keep my eyes to the ground and let my tears fall. I can't hold it in anymore.

Wendy takes a few steps forward until she is right in front of me.

"Hey..... don't cry..... you'll be okay. I'm here for you. If you need anyone to talk to, I'll be there." She says, rubbing my back.

She lift my head up to face her. I lock eyes with her. She smiles softly at me and wipes my tears.

She's so calm about it...

I understand that they didn't like each other but..... YERI IS DEAD!!

Shouldn't anyone be upset if someone they knew died.

The words of Yeri's mother flashes in my head.

Should I stay away from Wendy?

What if....... no...... there's now way

"Do you want to go on a walk together?" Wendy asks, snapping me out of thought.

"S-Sure.... I need some fresh air...." I sigh and follow behind Wendy.


She stops in front of a gate with a lock. This seems shady......

"Wendy?? Are you sure we are supposed to be here?" I ask, questioning her actions.

"Of course.... I have a key... this is my parents property." She says, unlocking the gate. "I always come here when I'm feeling stressed."

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