Epilogue - Good Ending

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(There will be two epilogues. You decide how you want this story to end..)

(Your POV)

"Y/n!? Are you okay? Where are we? Please wake up!!"

I slowly open my eyes to a panicky Tzuyu.

"Relax Tzuyu, we are fine.." I rub the back of my head and slowly sit up.

"No we're not!! We are in a pit and it's getting dark!" I place my hand on her mouth in attempt to shush her.

"Be quiet! You could get us killed." Her eyes widen to my words. I sigh softly and explain to her the situation we are in.

"So she injected me with some kind of liquid which made me forget everything?" I nod at her in response, as I search around the pit for a way to get out.

"Come here. I think we can get out if we go this way." She tread over to me and looks at the slope I'm trying to climb.

"Let me give you a boost." She locks her hands together, readying herself to give me a boost. I step on her hands as she push me upwards. I grab onto the ledge and pull myself upwards.

"Help me up now!" I groan at her with annoyance. I lower my hand for her to grab it. She grabs my hand and I pull her out of the pit.

"Let's go. We need to find a way out of here." She nods at me and follows me as we walk around the woods, hoping and praying that we won't bump into the blond haired murderer.

As we walk around the forest, we hear voices in the distance. Maybe they can help.

"Tzuyu you hear that right? Let's go. Be careful though..." she nods at me, as we slowly walk towards the distant voices.

"Two of our men are already down... do you think we'll need back up?" A man says, moving his flashlight along the ground.

"We should be okay... I mean, there's 10 of us and 1 of them.." The male chuckles softly and takes out his walkie talkie.

"Help.. please!" I exclaimed, making the two men draw their guns at me. "Wait! No! Don't shoot!"

"Wait a minute.... you're Y/n right? You're the kid who went missing for 3 days!! What the hell are you doing out here?" He places his gun back into his holster.

"I got kidnapped. Please help us. That maniac is looking for me." I exclaimed.

"Can you get us out of here? We need some medical attention." Tzuyu said, holding onto her arm.

"Alright.." The man pulls out his walkie talkie and presses a button. "Chief. We found the missing kid. We are heading towards our vehicles now-"

He stops speaking. He stops moving actually. It's like he's paralyzed...

"Sir? Are you okay?" I wave my hand in front of his face. He doesn't answer.

"Hey! Are you okay man!? What's gotten into you?" His partner exclaimed, shining the light in his eyes.

The man suddenly drops the walkie talkie, as blood begins to spew from his neck.

"Oh my God!!!" Tzuyu screams, as the blood drains from his neck.

He drops to the ground and standing behind him is.... her....

"I've finally found you, honey"

The other man takes out his gun and points it at Wendy. Before he can fire, Wendy chops off his hand. The man screams in pain and drops to the ground. Wendy gets on top of him and starts hacking away at his head.

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