Chapter Seven: Feeling Creepy..

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(Your POV)

We finally approach a large house after walking for what felt like hours.

Wendy helps me over to the door of the house. I release my grip on her whilst she opens the door. As she swings the door open, she turns back to me and smiles.

She is really creeping me out with that smile....

"What?" I ask, holding onto the wall.

"Oh nothing. Let's go in." She snakes her arm around my waist and pulls me inside.

I would be lying if I said I didn't blush...

She drags me into the living room and sets me down onto the couch.

She then leaves the room in search for a first aid kit.

I have to admit....

This house is really nice.....

Minus the creepy pictures on the wall.....

I glance around the room a few more times until my eyes land upon a picture with two adults and a child.

I peek out of the living room to see if Wendy is coming.

After deciding that I'm safe, I quickly limp over to the picture on the table.

I pick it up and stare at it.

That has to be Wendy........

She doesn't look happy.......... she looks dead.....

I mean.... she always looks dead. She never shows any expressions. You only can catch her smile on rare occasions......

Now that I think of it........

She only smiles around me.............

I look over to her parents faces and.......

There's holes in their faces...

It could just be an old picture... old pictures rip and tear easily....


The holes are specifically in their eyes....

I get an unwanted chill down my spine....

I want to go home now..........

"What is that Y/n??"

Immediately jump in my spot, causing me to lose my grip on the picture........

It drops onto the floor, sending pieces of glass flying.

"I-I-I-I didn't mean to snoop! I was just curious and- I'm sorry Wendy!" I exclaim, looking at Wendy in fear.

She look at the picture on the floor with no emotion.

She walks over to the picture and picks it up, ignoring all the glass falling from it.

She then chuckles........


"It's fine Y/n. Don't worry yourself.." She brushes the glass off of the picture and looks at me.

"I have a first aid kit." She smiles softly at me and looks at me knee.

She then kneels down, her knees landing in the shards of glass.

"Wendy! Your knees!" I exclaim, grabbing her wrist.

She glances at my wrist, then she glances at me.

She stands back up and brushes the glass from her knees.

Did she not feel anything?? Is she not hurt? I look at her knees and I don't see a single scratch.

Psycho (Completed)  | Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now