Chapter 21

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I was at this very important meeting with everyone that was also deemed as important. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be with Newt. I've been spending all the time I can concur to be with him, Minho and Alby would hang out as well with us every now and then.

At this "very important" meeting they were telling us about the accomplishments that WICKED has done over the past 10 years. Saying how we have made a major progression in finding the cure every year. Thomas didn't like that and our Chancellor called him out for the look of doubt on his face. He was quickly given a history lesson by Dr. Leavitt who was such a douche about it. There was only one good thing said today at this meeting, the most sensible thing I've ever heard.

"Couldn't we still save humanity by keeping the immunes safe?"-Aris

I appreciated the question that Aris gave, of course, it seems like the more sensible option. Although WICKED doesn't believe that that would work as they doubt that our immunes would survive the harsh world. I'm pretty sure it was just an excuse, and what he really meant was 'you guys are staying until we are saved as well'. It's selfish, but I can't say that we aren't being selfish either, we want our own skins to be saved. Although, if to save themselves they needed to kill us I am almost certain they would actually go through with it. That's why I don't think it's wrong for us to want to save our skins.

Chancellor Anderson, who I was actually surprised to see considering his absence these past few years, continues to talk about their huge success and how they might even skip a couple of phases to go straight to the Maze.

I wanted to stand right up from my seat and argue with him until dawn. I wanted to stay here and argue until I got my way. Although no one would listen to me, none of them are as attached to what they call 'subjects' as I am. This is a chess game that they are playing, and it's WICKED against the Flare. The Flare is winning but WICKED hasn't lost any pawn yet, but it seems like they are willing to if it means they can win. WICKED can't win without their queen or the cure, but they don't know what it is. I do though, I and Thomas are their supposed queen. They could win this game against the Flare with only us. Although this queen doesn't want her pawns to die, she loves her pawns and one more than the others. She wants to save them and plans on it without having to move on the board.

Today at dinner I was hanging out with Newt, Minho, Alby, and Chuck. Partway through I was surprised to see Teresa and my brother. Rameriez was introducing them to the rest of us and it certainly sounded like he was trying to make them dislikable. Only Teresa was disliked. Once Rameriez left me, Newt, and Alby was the first to reach them.

"Hey bro, surprised to see you here."

I gave him a large smile which he returned, he was really excited about being here with us. This was the first time that he would be eating with us, unlike me he wasn't given such access, because as Rameriez said, they were elite candidates and I was a doctor. Chuck tackled my brother in a hug. Minho wasn't moving from his spot so Thomas went to him.

"Hey, Minho. Got anyone mad lately?"-Thomas

"I'm an angel, what are you talking about?"-Minho

I scoffed at that and it made Minho laugh a little. He explained how it made up some words that obviously had bad meanings that he would say around Randall to confuse him. He was definitely better from the Griever attack. He was slowly going back to his old ways, he was beginning to heal. We sat down and it wasn't long before Thomas' curiosity began to show.

"What happened to him?"-Thomas

He moved his head slightly as if to point in a direction, particularly at Gally. Gally was brutally beaten up and his whole face was swollen. It looked painful and something bad did happen to him.

In response to Thomas, Minho held up his fist and told him that it was Gally's mouth that got him in trouble. It was really scary how he had explained it. Minho sounded like he would kill him and have no remorse. It was scary to hear.

Everyone else soon joined us and we returned to our light-hearted talk. Where we talked about other people and teased. In these moments life was so simple, nothing felt as complicated as reality is. I loved these moments and wished that we can enjoy more carefree moments like this.

A couple of weeks have passed and one night Thomas came up to me, privately, which was strange.

"I have something I want to ask of you sis?"-Thomas

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, just I would like you to do something."-Thomas

"I probably won't say no, so what is it?"

"This is only something for us to know, okay?"-Thomas

"Thomas I'm not like you, I don't bring my girlfriend on a private mission."

"She's not my girlfriend, and I'm sorry about that okay. I shouldn't have done it, I know, but please..."-Thomas

"I know, okay what is it? What do you want me to do?"

"Can you come with me and Newt tonight?"-Thomas

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"I promised him a while back that he will be able to see his sister and I want you there for multiple reasons."-Thomas

"What's the reason?"

"I wanted my sister with me, Newt wants you there as well and I believe you should have the opportunity to meet Newt's sister, you are technically dating her brother."-Thomas

"You make very good points. I will be happy to join you on the mission."

"Oh good, when you are there, things seem less stressful."-Thomas


"Maybe because it feels like I have permission from WICKED if you go with us. If you go it doesn't feel as illegal. You are of a superior rank than me. You aren't an elite candidate, you are a special doctor."-Thomas

Those words made me so scared, do I really feel like one of them to Thomas?

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