Chapter 24

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Today was that dreadful day, the day when I have to say goodbye. I was going to stay in my room all day and cry but Randall wasn't going to let me. So he made me go see them, I had to watch them leave me. I was crying so much, Minho was so mad at us and Alby was as well. They were made at Thomas and Teresa mostly because they thought that they were going to be going with them. That they would be dealt with the same way they have been treated. They knew I wasn't going to go into the trails because I was made a doctor and not a subject. They always have known that and wasn't holding it against me. They didn't want to say anything to me anyway seeing as Randall was holding onto my shirt forcing me to stay in place and watch as they all leave me. They knew I was already suffering and they still cared for me that they wouldn't leave me after yelling at me.

They were yelling at my brother and Teresa though. All of them were mad and I just stood there in silence as tears went down my face.

"They don't know don't they?"


"They don't know that they won't remember anything."

"Yeah, they don't know, and won't ever know."-Randall

"Please don't make me watch."

"Forgive me, Doctor, but you will do whatever I say. This is your punishment."-Randall

He said that with such menace and hatred I was afraid of what he was going to do to the people I loved. When they all left the room I thought it was over but then he took me to a room. There were many glass windows and a wall hid whatever was behind the glass.

"Why am I here?"

"Just wait."-Randall

After a little while of waiting the door opened and my eyes widened in horror. They were there, all of them. They were drowning in water. Why were they doing this to them? I tried to run over to them as I could see they were screaming and sometimes it looked like they were yelling for me. I kept trying to run on over. I would hit Randall and scratched him until he bled. He wouldn't let me go through. When I got away I went straight to Newt and hit the glass but nothing happened and the more I hit the more scratches I got on my hand and soon enough blood was coming out of my hands. Newt stopped fighting the water and placed his hand on the glass where my bloody hand was. That was the last thing he did before falling unconscious. As all of them were getting moved away to a different room I had sat on the floor in utter defeat.

I wanted this to be all over, I really was hoping it was but I was then picked up by Randall and moved to a doctor's office. There were three beds and blankets hid their faces. Randall had the door locked on the outside so I couldn't leave. He had let me go and I stood there, not wanting to open the blankets because I had a good idea who they were.

"So you, doctor, are going to put this little cube into their brains. When they were younger we already had placed the larger cube that would let us understand their brain activity and now this little cube will let us control their memories. You are tasked with putting it in their brain."-Randall

He had no problem with what he had just said, he has no compassion. Does he not understand what he is putting me through? Does he not understand that he is asking me to do something I could never do?

"Do it!"-Randall

"No, I will never do such a thing to them."

"I didn't want it to come to this but you left me no choice."-Randall

He pulls out a gun and points it at one of the bodies. I quickly scream no, but he doesn't do anything.

"You think I won't do it? You think I cared if we lost one I hope you don't think that!"-Randall

I started to cry as I become really scared.

"Oh, do you think I don't know how to shoot a gun?!" He points the gun straight at the wall and shoots it the loud noise scared me so much that I fall to the floor and cover my ears. "Now do you think I won't shoot? Come on do it already!"-Randall

"OK, I will, please just don't hurt them!"

I get up and start washing my hands and go over to the first body, I pulled off the blanket and see it was Minho. I wiped away my tears and do the surgery placing the tiny box in the back of his neck as it attaches itself to his spine and nerves that connect it to his brain. I go over to Alby and do the same, but when I got to Newt I couldn't do it.

"Do it, or do I need to demonstrate what will happen if you don't again!"-Randall

"I'm so sorry Newt!"

I give him one long last kiss and began the surgery. I could feel the gun on my back and was so stressed out and the tears were making it very hard. I didn't want to do it but I had no choice. When I had finished the gun went off my back and they were taken away from me. Although Newt surprised me with one last goodbye to me.

"I forgive you. I love you so much, my love."-Newt

I fell to the floor as that was the last moment where Newt remembered me. He was taken away and Randall left the room as well. I was alone and I didn't want to live any longer. He was taken away from me, the love of my life is gone. I am only 15 and my whole life is meaningless already.

Newt x Reader (Younger) Stay With Me Book: 1Where stories live. Discover now