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It's the next day at work when Louis feels like he can't breathe.

There's a building fire inside of his gut that has been bubbling up since Niall pulled him into the staff room of the coffee shop with his phone in his shaky hands.

Pictures of Harry leaving the hotel in Manchester were finally released to the public; it doesn't look too much out of the ordinary. Harry's surrounded by bodyguards, walking out with the clothes that Louis remembers hugging tightly when he got to the hotel.

However, people were more observant that Louis imagined.

Niall pointed comments of fans and media workers that were there, mentioning that Harry's car was following someone else's. There was only one blurry picture - thankfully - of Louis' car driving in front of the security's black automobile. His license plate wasn't readable, but Niall recognized Louis' car in splattered across those gossip websites that only ever posted about celebrities' relationships, scandals and whatnot.

Louis managed to remain calm in front of a slightly panicked Niall. "It looks like every other car, mate. It could be anyone else's, you only recognized it because you know me and you know what's going on between Harry and I."

"You're right, but I'm still going to be a bit concerned," Niall flickers through more pictures, then shoves the cellphone into his apron. "You'll be careful, yeah?" Louis offers him a reassuring grin.

He knew that Niall was worried about him; he was always this protective. It's a dynamic that has been firm since the beginning of their friendship, when Niall approached him and learned about the struggles of the man from a small town that came to a big city all by himself with not much to his name. Niall knew all of his downs and ups, been there for the most of them, and pushed Louis through difficult times. Louis haven't thought about how Niall would react to his face and name being connected to a huge music star and, consequently, losing most of his privacy.

"Is he in your apartment?" Niall questions, hands on his hips. Louis only nods, waiting for the anxious feeling in his stomach to disappear.

It doesn't.

It grows when Louis sits on his car, preparing himself for his way back home.


He thought of Harry then, lingering in his apartment, enjoying the unusual privacy to read and clean around, take care of the plants he'd bought for Louis and cooking meals. It feels surreal. Louis' mind doesn't let those facts settle in a part of his brain that recognizes it as real, but he doesn't want to let it go either.

He breathes in, parked still, deafening silence surrounding him inside his closed vehicle. He taps his phone and searches for things he'd probably regret, but does it anyway.

Harry Styles leaves luxurious hotel in Manchester, follows mystery car.

Harry Styles seen in Manchester going to unknown location. New love interest?

It's only black and bold letters on the top of websites and newsflash, but it makes his heart shudder.

When he drives back, he feels paranoid. His car is stuck in traffic and he feels like people around are glaring, although he's certain that no one can tell who he is. He understands then, why Harry felt so at home in Louis' place. It's the privacy and the secrecy, the safe and locked environment of the unknown. As much as Harry loved the attention and the adrenaline-driven shows, dissipating from the face of the Earth inside a small apartment with nothing much to do seemed like the best way to recharge.

Louis feels relieved too when he opens the door and sees Harry doing some sort of baking on his kitchen. The apartment smells like fresh bread and he remembers their amazing time in London; it makes him grin widely, despite his heart beating at race speed. Harry quickly notices the man's presence and offers him a dimpled smile full of adoration.

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