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Harry and Louis decide, together, to avoid social media as much as they can. Harry's manager has been calling frequently and keeping them updated over the news and what has been said about the whole ordeal, without sharing too many details. Mostly, the public is supportive of their relationship. It was pride month, as coincidental as it seemed.

It's something that has been working for them during their remaining days at Louis' place. It's odd, not having to wake up early and go to work. Louis ends up falling into a domestic routine that bases of cleaning, cooking and watching Harry go in and out of the apartment, working on stunts here and there, nothing too public. Harry has appointments in studios, and he comes back everyday with more stories to tell, new song ideas and concepts, even asking for Louis' help with his songwriting a few times.

It's a lovely contrast to what's been going on outside. The tenderness of private moments, where they lie on the couch and discuss random subjects, from Harry's music to their daily struggles, to how they're feeling about their future. It grounds Louis amid the stormy conditions of his bad moods, caused by the recent events. Louis loves to sit and listen to snippets of songs, to hear bits and pieces of Harry's impressive vocals on his phone recordings. It makes him smile during his nervous breakdowns.

It's been three days since Louis have been fired from his job and four since he has been exposed to the world, when his mother calls and breaks the peaceful walls that he's slowly been building during that time.

Everything comes tumbling down when he picks up the phone; "H-hello?"

He imagines an angry tone coming, yells and hurtful words echoing. But instead, a quiet pitch comes, and delicate words arrive; "Louis, darling, what's going on? I've seen things on the media lately-"

He tries to wonder how his mother's mind has been dealing with the information that he's son not only is gay, but is in a relationship with a worldwide known English singer. He stutters his way into the conversation; "M-mom, I can explain,"

"Please do, because I've been so confused,"

He explains everything; from the reason that he broke up with Eleanor, to the day he met Harry. It feels too unreal to put into words, but he tries his best, and paces around the subjects, gripping the phone tightly as he walks his mom through everything that's been going on in his life. He feels like he should feel lighter, now that there's no secrets between them anymore, but he doesn't. He feels like there's weight on his shoulders, his dismay towards himself.

"Why didn't you tell me before, Louis?"

Comes the question he doesn't know how to reply properly. Maybe never will. "I don't know, mom. I think I was scared,"

There's a loud sigh from the other end of the line. "Scared of what? Me? Your dad?"

He ponders, but it's no relief for his confusion. "I don't know," Louis comes to the realization that his mother found more about his life through the media than through himself, and it brings him a familiar heartache. He believes he should have brushed his pride aside and reached out for his mom earlier and told her everything, been honest with her from the very start. Now, it's too late, and it's a situation where saying sorry won't solve it.

"Are you mad at me?" He questions and feels childish fears washing over him.

"No, darling, I'm not mad." He breathes relieved, despite the warmth in his gut telling him that there's nothing to be relieved about. "But I'm concerned. There's pictures of you out there, people are saying things," She pauses. He hasn't seen any comments or read over any articles, to avoid exactly the type of reaction his mother is having. People can be cruel, sometimes. "I need time to think about this, yeah? But I'm not mad at you."

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