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The restaurant itself it's probably the fanciest place Louis has ever been in. He feels immediately under-dressed when he exits the car and observes that most costumers inside the high-dining place are dressed in fine clothing and long dresses. Harry notices his worries washing up on his features and keeps their hands linked the entire time while they go to a table, "You're the most beautiful person in this place." Harry whispers to him as soon as they enter.

It's safe to say that Louis doesn't feel as insecure after he hears those words.

Jeffrey arrives a while later, joining the couple at the table, along with almost half a dozen more people. After everyone introduces themselves around, Louis finds himself distracted by the decorations and the grandiosity of the space, elongated by tall ceilings and crystal chandeliers.

After food is ordered and wine is served, he watches Harry interact with the well-dressed men that he assumes are the important people that work in his record-label. It's lovely, the soft music that plays in the background, the dimmed lights that bathe Harry's features and the sweet, smooth wine that's coating his tongue every couple of minutes.

Louis feels a bit out of place sometimes, anxious underneath the sharp and predatory gazes of the clearly rich folks that surround the table. However, the delicious food arrives and distracts him again, in the best way possible.

The couple finishes eating, and Harry gestures towards Jeffrey, who is deeply concentrated in a conversation with some other important-looking lads. The singer taps his thigh underneath the table and Louis moves closer to his partner. 

"Follow me in a minute." It's what he hears before Harry is standing up and sneaking out of the table, leaving the large dining-room through a back door. Surprisingly, no one seems to notice the singer's absence, so Louis waits a minute and leaves quietly as well, pacing discreetly towards the door that Harry left through.

There's a long hallway, doors scattered on the walls, and Harry's standing there, his face beaming like he had just discovered a great treasure. "I bet you ten pounds that Jeffrey won't notice we sneaked out for another hour," The singer says, pulling Louis in by his hand.

The smaller man picks up his pace with a large smile. He feels reckless, walking beside all the back doors and employees' rooms. They weren't suppose to be there, and it makes him feel a youthful rush. "We're in the States, put some dollars on the deal and maybe I'll believe you," Louis mutters, his voice echoing.

The sound of their footsteps create a rhythm to the moment. Harry laughs into his hand and points to a large, emergency exit at the end of the hallway. Louis pushes it open with ease, finding a staircase. As they go up, Louis can't help but enjoy the carefree, and yet audacious sensation that travels through his system. It feels like a surreal dream, as Harry's sparkly boots continue to click against the levels of stairs, until they reach one last door.

Harry opens it, and guides Louis through.

It's a rooftop, completely empty of other people and yet, brightly illuminated. There's furniture and more beautiful decoration; it looks like a bar works there during the late night hours. It's a place that reminds him of Harry, the open area, the magic lights, the warm breeze and the view of the city. Nashville is bright and alive before them, and it's breathtaking.

It's so familiar, the way they walk towards the railing without missing a beat and lean their bodies against it, cuddling up closer to one another and admiring the view before them. Louis finds that the lights reflected in Harry's eyes are way more interesting the the entirety of the skyline. "You seemed confident on our way up here. You do this all the time?" Louis questions, looking up.

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