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Being alone in a huge hotel room, with nothing to listen to but futile news on TV, makes Louis think deeply into the details of Harry's request. 

Not only that, but his mind dares to go further, wondering about his goals, his education, and especially, his future with Harry. He thinks it's relieving - and also incredibly scary - to picture himself in the future and see the singer by his side, still. He's never been this enamored with someone, never thought that he would find the truest love, not even within himself.

As he glances around the room and risks going to the open balcony, exposed to the world and to the sun, his brain clicks in place, in the best way possible. He's breathing quickly, his heartbeat's raising, but it's not a sign of his anxiety for once.

After hours of pondering and a shower, he calls the private driver's number and soon, he's exiting the hotel discreetly. It's odd for him to experience such things as having his own driver that takes him whenever he wants, so he's a bit awkward when he requests for the employee in the driver's seat to take him to a jewelry store.

Louis believes that the gesture will exceed beyond materialistic goals; he wants to feel open, completely, to Harry. He wants the singer to understand that he's not going anywhere, despite his insecurities and anxious habits, and despite whatever the world is saying about them. 

He wants to materialize his vulnerability to Harry.

He believes that he manages to do just that when he enters the jewelry store, minutes after. His driver also happened to be a bodyguard; the large man towers over Louis as he paces inside the store beside him. 

Louis soon lets go of all hesitation and awkwardness, and even asks the man for advice as he's trying to find something within the store that will fit well into his relationship with Harry. He was thinking of a bracelet, but he's never seen Harry wear any. His bodyguard suggests a ring, but it feels a bit too serious for the matter, yet. 

He settles with a necklace, and he finds the perfect one hanging on one of the counters, protected behind thick glass. 

"It's perfect," He whispers to himself, and soon, an employee is is taking it out for him to hold it.

Minuscule and delicate silver strips are laced together, creating a single string, beautiful and shiny underneath the bright lights of the fancy store. The pendant is a sunflower, tiny and subtle, and yet so elegant. He likes the contrast, the silver on the flower's petals instead of gold. He loves the way that the necklace melts between his fingers, and he loses his breath for a second imagining it settling in between Harry's collarbones. 

It's not too expensive, but it's enough to make a difference in his bank account. He brushes any concerns away and pays for the object, skipping outside the shop happily with his purchase in hands.

"I'm sure Styles will love it." His driver comments as they're entering the black car, parked near the store. The sidewalks are busy, rushed and crowded. Louis is still learning how to deal with the recognizing glances that he gets every couple of minutes.

Louis chuckles as he straps himself behind the seat-belt. "I really hope he does." The car enters a light traffic. Louis can't help but hold the beautiful, beige box on inside his palms, trying to contain his excitement. 

"To the studio, Mr. Tomlinson?" The man asks. 

Louis quietly cringes at the title, but smiles back. "Yes. And please, you can call me Louis."

"Sure thing, Louis."

When they arrive at the studio, the sun is high in the sky and the weather is inviting. He almost wants to drag Harry outside to give him his gift, however, he knows he's too anxious to wait. Louis easily guides himself through the studio, reaching the door where he knows Harry will be working. He knocks quietly, and Jeffrey is there to open the door for him

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