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Meeting Anne is sweet.

Going to London on a Saturday morning, hopping on car with a private driver and spending almost four hours stuck inside a vehicle with Harry feels sweet as well, despite the harsh change in their routine. The roads are surprisingly pleasant and Harry's company is, as always, recharging for Louis. He learns that the driver is a funny lad as well, spending most of his time exchanging conversation with the worker.

He's convinced that everyone around Harry has been affected by his magic. Anne, however, is the one that shows him where Harry's kind heart and bright soul came from.

She's charming and treats Louis with such tenderness from the start, that he begins to understand why Harry is the way he is. The woman is lovely, her house is filled with plants and artwork; there's at least two cats hanging around, soft meows echoing and fuzzy tails coming to rub up on Louis' ankles every once in a while.

"Harry told me somethings about you, Louis," She says, voice smooth and gentle and she offers him a cuppa. It's the most delicious tea that Louis has ever tasted in his life.

"Good things, I hope," He grins, and Anne's beaming smile appears.

She chuckles as she takes a seat in front of him on the glass table in her backyard, the area beautifully decorated. Harry is on the floor, sitting cross-legged and petting the cats. Louis is certain that he's never been surrounded by so much love and magic before. "The boy wouldn't have a bad thing to mention, he's whipped for you, I must say," Anne mumbles the last part of her sentence, and it makes Louis blush ever so slightly, his face heating up behind the hot cuppa.

Harry makes a noise from where he's sitting; "Mom, don't," Louis can't help but laugh at the sight of Harry's embarrassment.

"Sorry, honey," She softly apologizes, winking at Louis. Her gorgeous, straight and brunette hair is cascading down her shoulders; Louis wonders where the curls came from. "Anyways, he told me you're from Doncaster. Yorkshire, yeah? I can tell by your accent, it's lovely,"

Louis beams. "Oh, yeah, my accent's pretty strong, innit,"

"So, how did you guys meet?" Anne adds, sipping on her own tea. The trees on the large yard are dancing with the warm wind, underneath the sunlight that bathes the space. Louis missed London, or maybe it was just Harry's presence and his family that made the infamous city feel so wonderful.

He looks aside and sees that the singer is smiling hugely, dimples making an appearance. It's distracting and he almost stumbles over his words. "Harry was doing a show in Manchester, I came along with a friend of mine, we met through the meet and greet and it got started from there."

Anne nods with a grin, "That's lovely! And how's the whole distance-relationship has been working?"

Louis ponders. One of the cats meows from underneath his chair. "We work it out quite well, actually. Right now he's staying at my place for a bit, but when he's traveling we find our own ways to be present and to be there for each other, despite the distance."

"He listens to every interview I'm in while he's at work." Harry mumbles, adding to the conversation. Anne's smile grows bigger at the information.

"And you send me flowers. We also call each other every night, to try and keep ourselves updated to our days, that kind of stuff," Louis mentions, glancing back at the man he's grown to love.

The lady is smiling brightly as she watches the interaction. It's a comforting sensation for Louis; her approval towards him. He feels safe, for some reason. Everything about that moment feels like home. "I'm so glad that it's working, honey." She says, "Harry? Would you grab Louis another cuppa, please?"

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