Making The Right Decision

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-Faith's POV-
I sit down on a creaky chair feeling hopeless. William (Solace's Leader) had said he'd like to meet with me and discuss some "things". I'm sure he's going to kick me out of the clan but I have no idea what I even did to deserve anything like that! Maybe it was the test, I think to myself.

"Faith?" Someone says my name.

I look up and see him, I look down my face feels hot like I'm about to cry. I had a good time in this clan with all the people and everything.

William: "I wanted to discuss your job privately, since it's sort of important." He says in a calm tone.

My heart feels like it's going to explode. I really thought he was going to kick me out.. as the leader of Solace though, agh I'm such a idiot-

William: "So what job do you think you're getting?" He interrupts my thoughts.

I hadn't even been thinking of that only feeling relieved from not hearing that I'm going to be kicked out.

"Scavenger..?" I say hopefully.

He smiles at me making me think I'm right but then he shakes his head.

William: "I see you really want to help people, this job will be just as good I promise." He tells me.

My heart shatters a bit and I look away. I had really been hoping to be a scavenger, but if I'm not a scavenger what am I??

William: "Faith your going to take the role of Solaces leader!" He says happily clasping his hands together.


It felt as if I had heard him wrong but I knew deep down I didn't. He keeps talking but my mind is filled with fuzz.
It didn't even sound like a word anymore in my head. I kept repeating it to myself like a broken record. Something loud pops and wakes me from my trance. Someone popped a balloon filled with confetti. Everyone cheers and gathers around me.
"To our new leader!" They chant and chant and chant and chant. I feel sick.

~1 Hour Later~

-David's POV-
I look around to find Faith no where, she didn't tell me where she was going or anything.

"Are you looking for someone?" someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around to see William with a drink in his hand. I tug out my earbuds and stuff them into my pocket.

"Uh, yeah I was looking for Faith, do you know where she is?" I ask him.

William: "She must be nervous about her new role, she might've left early to get rest." He replies.

It's only 6- I know she doesn't go to bed that early even if she was tired. I tell William I'm going home to and wave goodbye. I start walking to Faith's apartment which isnt super far from mine so it should be quick.

-Faith's POV-

I flick on the T.V only to see a black screen I frown at myself. Why would there still be running channels in a apocalypse anyways, even if my power did work. I lay down on the couch and feel alone. Of course the right decision would be to take do the job and do it right, but.. it feels like such a big responsibility and what if I mess up. Lives are in my hands now, that thought could keep me up for nights.
I get up and get semi-warm water from the faucet. Great. My apartment was having issues with electricity so this would have to do. I take a few sips and set it down on the counter.
Maybe getting kicked out would be better than this. I shake the thought away though running from this sounds so promising.

Knock knock

I put my head in one hand for a second feeling stressed. I know someones out there but I think I'd rather not answer.

"Faith?" knock knock.

Oh, just David. I'm glad its not William or anyone else to be honest. I get up and open the door. I walk back allowing him to come in and I close the door behind him. He flicks on a light and sits down on the couch.

"What're you doing here?" I ask my throat feeling scratchy. I had been thanking a lot of people for the last hour so my throat felt like sandpaper.

David: "I just wanted to see if you were okay since you left sorta early."

"My throat was starting to hurt so I left.." I say which is partially true anyway. I feel selfish for wanting to be a scavenger instead of a leader. I know my clan needs me but this is such a big job.

David: "You sure it's not because you're worried out of your mind?" He questions.

"Pretty sure." I say evenly.

I want to tell him but I still feel bad, I decide he should know anyways no matter how I felt.

"It's just, I feel like I can't take this on because it's such a big responsibility and I dont want to screw anything up and I dont even know why William chose me of all peopl-" I take a deep breath before I keep rambling. I sit down next to him and lay my head back feeling exhausted.

David: "Well some things take sacrifices.. If you really don't wanna be leader then tell them." He continues, "but just so you know, these people like the idea of you being leader and if you turn down the position then I personally think you'd be wasting potential. Plus you could make this place better then ever." He encourages me with a smile.

I close my eyes and think, I don't know if I'd do a good job but I need to at least try for my clan. David's right anyways I dont want to let down William either.

Its settled then I guess..

(HeLLo ppls, I just wanted to add a little thank you note for my friends since they've really been able to help me and encourage me to keep writing. I wouldnt be here writing this if they hadn't been there. Anyways I just want them to know I love them all 💞)

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