Who Are Yo- P.5

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I know that feeling too well.

"What's your name girly?" His voice growls into my ear as he holds a rusty knife to my neck.

"G-get away from me you creep.." I stutter.

"Whoever enters our territory is supposed to be killed on site, so if I were you I wouldn't fight me." He grins a toothy smile at me.

"Just let me go you- you.." I trail off and my face turns a deep red.

Laughing, "You're too cute to kill" lifting my chin to look at him, "What were you doing here anyways, you dont have a clan mark on your wrist."

I look down at my wrist and hold it with my other hand.

"That's none of your business."

"I just might have to let my hand ""slip"" if you don't fess up" he looks at me angrily

"You could be a spy for all I kno-" A look of realization washes over his face.

"You're clan-less aren't you, what a pity. Good thing you came here those other clans can rot in hell." He looks disgusted thinking about the other clans.
I never knew I hated the other clans until now..

I could stay here for a while.

"How You Feel" [Just_Wumpus]Where stories live. Discover now