A Special Set of Soldiers

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-Juan's POV-

It feels like we've been walking for years and the silence between me and Johonas is unbearable.

Johonas: "Look, we're close." He points in the distance, in the horizon I'm able to the the tops of multiple apartments and a few houses scattered around.

"That's good.. but what about your sign?" I ask him.

Johonas: "Ehh," he says thinking, "I'll do the talking just watch."

     I'm a little concerned with his plans but I trust him. Once we arrive at the gates I see a group of people near a bunch of rusty trucks. A couple of them wave to me and smile. I don't see any that look familiar to that stranger I met but I guess it wouldn't be that easy.

"Hey guys, you have news from Mettle right?" A guard asks us and starts walking our way.

Johonas: "Uhm, yeah we uh.. are transfers here. Mettle contacted Solaces new leader (He assumes the leader is new because their test is around the same times)  and told them we were giving them a few more people since you guys are running low..?" He says almost like a question and I bite my lip ready for the guard to question us.

Guard: "Oh I had no idea we were running low since this place always seems full of life I never noticed," he grins at us and continues, "that's kind of Mettle though come right in and one of my friends will take you to the leader."

Johonas: "Ugh- uh thanks.." he says nervously.

     No no no no! Once we get to the leader they'll send us back or they'll think we're traitors to our clan. Who knows what they would do if they thought we were traitors.. were we traitors?

     The guard walks us in and waves down another guard, this one takes us down a long road which is when I'm able to see the tallest building at the end of the road.

     Once we reach the building a different guard takes us through the building to the leader I assume, with all these guards obviously they aren't "running low" on people. I mentally face palm at Johonas's stupidity and ready feel like yelling at him.

Johonas: "Sorry but could you take us to the nearest bathroom first, it was a long trip over here." He politely asks our guard.

Guard: "Of course it's down that hallway." She points down a corridor to a small room at the end of it.

"I'll be waiting here when you two come back, hurry though since Faith is waiting." She tells us, I guess that's the new leaders name.

Johonas: "Thanks." He says and starts walking towards the bathrooms.

"What're you doing?" I ask him in a hushed tone.

Johonas: "You know when she finds out what we're really doing she'll tell Mettle or something even worse, we don't know." He tells me quickly and opens the door to the bathroom letting me walk in first and then following me.

"So what are we going to do then? You know I still want to find him.. that was the whole reason for coming here." I say feeling disappointed.

"Does he still matter now? No. The task at hand is not getting exposed, got it?" He states while looking at me waiting for my answer.

     I dont reply, I walk over to the sink and splash water on my face. It's cool and it feels nice to have running water available whenever. I was always jealous of Solace for that.

Johonas: "We need to leave like right now. If we get up to her office we wont be able to escape then because of the guards."

"This is so dumb, how are we going to escape from here if we leave the bathroom the guards going to immediately take us up there." I tell him.

     He's about to respond when someone flicks on the faucet a few sinks away.

Stranger: "Planning to escape, are we?" He asks us in a husky voice.

"Uhm.." Johonas and I both mumble.

Stranger: "I'm afraid that won't be happening here, traitors." He finishes washing his hands and drys them on his shirt.

"I'll be escorting you to Faith myself now that I know who you guys really are, try resisting and I'll have the guards deal with you."

     I look over at Johonas, he looks pale looking at the stranger. I had no idea who they were but they looked a lot older than us, maybe in his 20's?

Johonas: "Heh.. long time no see William.." He looks away as William narrows his eyes at him.

William: "I'm not surprised your friend was a traitor, but you? I had a lot of expectations for you." He crosses his arms and looks at me.

     Johonas doesn't respond and only looks at the door waiting for William to take us to the new leader.

~William takes the two up to Faith's office in silence, neither of them struggle while waiting for their fate to be decided~

-Faith's POV-

     The last few days had been so eventful I wasn't sure if this was normal or not. It was confusing and scary especially with my last encounter with the outsiders from Pique and Odium. I sent them to be locked up in a house guarded by my 2nd class officers. I don't think they'll need 1st class officers since there is only two of them. Anyways I still dont know what job I should give them, and knowing there just sitting in there relaxing is angering.

William: "Faith, you have visitors." William's muffled voice says through my door.

"Let them in." I call back to him.

     Two guys walk in close to my age just like those girls. One taller than the other, much stronger I assume but the other one is smaller. It reminds me of the girls that came yesterday and I remember their laughing fit over me. I feel a headache just thinking about it.

"What happened William? I thought a guard was supposed to bring them up here." I ask confused.

     I was still confused as to why they were even here as I hadn't even had the chance to talk to Mettles leader yet.

William: "Well I found them talking about escaping Solace, looks like this little traitor here," he looks at the smaller male, "This one here is looking for someone I haven't any clue who though."

I think for a bit before answering, "So they're traitors or what are you guys doing here besides trying to find someone?"

Taller Male: "Ask Juan, he's the one who wanted to be here." He says annoyed.

Juan: "Wow Johonas, you're the one who followed me so this is your own fault." He frowns at him.

     Before I can say anything else they start bickering back and forth like a old couple, or just bestfriends honestly.

William: "Quit it you idiots! Let her talk." He yells at the two.

"Anyways, I guess we could keep you here as traitors. We would have to put you guys to use somewhere for lying and abandoning your clan." I say to them while thinking about the other trouble makers.

    After a second a idea takes place in my head. I needed someone to watch over those girls when they worked because I didn't trust them, but none of my guards wanted to watch over them. Some tried but couldn't last 10 minutes apparently they were so annoying that, the headaches were unbearable after you looked after them.

     So unbearable headaches should be good enough torture for these two I guess, then they can all work together and gather supplies and other tasks for my citizens.

"You'll be a special set of soldiers as of now, I hope you last." I smirk at them they return it with confused looks.

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