Chapter 16

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Melissa's POV

     I sat on the couch drinking my life away. When do the problems end? My best friend was killed. I have a brother I knew nothing about. Jacob is mad at me for whatever reason and my daughter would rather be with my dad then me (I decided to changed big Christian's name to Jacob so there wont be any confusion when I say Christian). Am I bad daughter, friend, mother, sister and girlfriend?
This bottle of vodka was doing it's job. I was forgetting everything and becoming numb to my situations. The door opened and then closed. I looked to see Jonathan there, but he kept walking, ignoring me. "Why are you mad at me?" I slurred.
He responded with, "I'm not." I looked at him crazy and stood up. "You're not?! You've been ignoring me and you been leaving early in the morning and don't come back until late at night and you expect me not to think you're mad at me?!" I stumbled over to him and continued with, "You were supposed to love me and care for me, not hate me!"   He rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. "I'm not mad at you. I just have been busy. That's it and why are you drinking? You need to go to bed." I pushed away from him. "No. You need to leave. You're not my dad!" He looked at me with sleepy eyes and shook his head and started to walk upstairs, leaving me alone one again. I sat on the floor and drank the bottle until it was as empty as my heart felt right now.
Why am I such a screw up?

Jacob POV

I'm not mad at her. I would never be mad at her stay mad at her. I love her too much to hurt her. It's just that I just found out that my mom was killed and I don't know how to handle it. It hurts my heart to see her hurt like that. I want to tell her, but I know that she is going through enough already.
A few minutes later. I walked downstairs and seen her sleeping on the floor with a bottle of alcohol next to her. I picked up without waking her and carried her upstairs on to the bed. She stirred a little bit, but soon cuddled up to the sheets. My phone started ringing and I picked. "Hello?" The person responded with "Hello. Missed me?" I dropped the phone and backed up from it shaking my head. I never thought in a million years, I would hear from this person again.

Tyrone POV

     I woke up later that night with a huge headache and some broad next to me. Earlier was a huge blur. I don't even remember meeting her nor do I remember  bringing her him with me.  I tap her and she barely moves. I push her a little harder and she wakes up and smiles at me. I tell her, "Yo ma, you gotta go." She looks at me confused. So I grab her arm and pull her out of the bed. I didn't even give her time to get dressed. I grab her and her things and put it outside. I close the door, but not before saying, "You was fun." I sat on my couch and started watching tv until my phone rings. I pick it up,  "Hello." The person responds with, "Hey Tyrone, long time no see." I drop the phone and pray this isn't the person I think it is.

Micheal's POV

  I just came from work late at night and got into my car. I played my music and thought about everything that has happened that day so far. Let's see. I got fired. My girlfriend dumped me. I have a flat tire. My birthday gift for my sister still has not come in. There is nothing else that can make this day even worst. My phone rings and I pick it up. "Hello." The person on the other end says, "well hello Micheal. I know you didn't think this was over." I quickly recognize the voice and drop my phone. I thought this was going to never happen again.

Mystery Person POV

   I have everyone where I want them. They will all soon pay for what they had done to him.

Here is an update guys. I am going to try and make my updates a little more frequently. Comment who you think will be the mystery person. Winner gets a feature in my story and a shout out. Also a huge part in the next book for Can I Trust you? if I continue. There is 4 more chapters until the big reveal and huge surprise for you guys. So tune in. Comment about the chapter and how you feel and what you think should happen. Melissa above.

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