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"so Richard has a form of Retrograde Amnesia."

Nini could hardly pay attention to what Dr Charles was saying, she could only focus on the man in front of her, who hardly knew who she was.

Mike spoke up, "so what does that mean?"

"well, he seems to have blocked out portions of his memories from before the accident. he could be doing this due to previous emotional trauma that he was never able to work through, i can't be certain as to why he's repressing memories." the doctor said, glancing down at his notes.

Nini wiped her eyes, "is there anything we can do? you know, to bring back those memories?"

Dr Charles nodded, "once Richard is released from the hospital, you can start introducing him back into his life before the accident but after his last memory. try to show him pictures or videos of his life, share stories with him, try to get him around friends and family a little. that should help jog his memory."

Nini nodded and turned to look at the sleeping boy in the hospital bed. he looked so calm while she was the total opposite. she was breaking inside, her heart falling apart every time she looked at him.

Dr Charles slipped out of the room. Mike sighed heavily as he looked across the room at Nini. she sat curled into herself in her seat, her eyes darting over his sleeping body.

"Nini, are you okay?" Mike asked quietly.

she sniffled, " don't know. my fiancé doesn't know who i am and we're supposed to get married in eight months. we're supposed to spend the rest of our lives together, be happy together. now i may never get that, at least not with him."

Mike frowned slightly at the girl. he stood up and walked across the room, pulling Nini up and wrapping her in a hug. Nini cried as she fisted his shirt in her hands.

"i don't know what i'm supposed to do." she cried.

Mike sighed as he rubbed her back, "you wait for him. you take him home in a week, back to the condo and show him where he lived, show him all the pictures of you two together. his memories will come back in no time Nini."


the two turned to look at Ricky as he croaked out. Mike sat back down at his bedside but Nini remained standing.

"how you feeling bud?" Mike asked as he flattened his sons curls.

Ricky groaned in pain, "my head hurts but i'm okay."

Nini wiped her tears as Ricky spoke. her heart hurt heart listening to him say he was in pain. she just wanted to hold him and kiss away his pain.

Ricky turned to look at her, "did you call Lauren?"

Nini furrowed her brows, "Lauren?"

Ricky groaned as he sat up slightly, "my girlfriend, she's probably wondering where i am. you haven't met her yet Nini, her names Lauren Perry."

Nini froze at his words. silent tears slipped out as she bit her lip. she glanced up at Mike, "um, i'll be back in a minute. i just...i need to step out."

she grabbed her purse and quickly walked out into the hallway. she gasped out in a loud cry as she leaned against the wall. it was bad enough that Ricky didn't remember her as his fiancé but now he thought he was still with his girlfriend from junior year of college.

Nini remembers seeing pictures that Ricky had posted of Lauren. she was pretty, blonde, tall, everything that Nini was not. it was clear why Ricky liked her, she was beautiful. they had dated for about two years before they broke up when Ricky returned graduated and returned home, and ultimately to Nini.

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