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five months later...

Nini breathed deeply as her arms rested around her husbands neck, her head against his chest. Ricky rubbed her back as he breathed with her.

"just breath Neens." he said, his hand trailing her spine.

Nini gritted her teeth, "shut up." she groaned, breathing through the tail end of her contraction.

he chuckled, his hand continuing its motions, "sorry."

her contraction let up and she untangled her arms from around him, walking around the room a little. Ricky watched as she cradled her stomach, her ring shining as her left hand rubbed over her small rounded belly.

she stood at the window, overlooking the mountains from the hospital room. Ricky came up behind her, his hands resting on her hips. his chin sat on her shoulder, pressing sweet kisses to her neck.

"it's almost time." he whispered.

she smiled as she leaned over and kissed his head, "i can't wait."

she screwed her eyes shut and breathed deeply as another contraction hit. she held onto Ricky's biceps as she swayed side to side, trying to ease the pain. his fingers rubbed her lower back gently as he breathed with her. she let out a sigh when it finally passed.

"they're getting closer. do you want me to get your mom?" Ricky asks, his hand traveling up and down her back comfortingly.

she nods, "please? this baby's coming quicker than i thought."

Ricky drops a kiss to the top of her head before heading out to the waiting room to get Dana. they had a long conversation early on in her pregnancy about who she wanted in the room with her while she gave birth. Nini knew immediately that she just wanted Ricky and Mama D. as much as she loves Carol, Dana gave birth to her and knew more about what was going on so she felt better having her in the room.

Nini slowly walks across the room to check the baby bag again, she was just nervous now. she carefully laid out the first outfit and blanket, folded neatly on the countertop. she gripped the counter as another contraction hit.

she winced in pain, "ow, shit."

she felt a pair of hands press on her lower back as her contraction started to subside. she turned around and hugged her mom as tight as she could. Dana smiled and rubbed her back.

"come on, let's get you into the bed."

Ricky and Dana help Nini get back in the bed, helping her get comfortable as another contraction hits. she squeezes Ricky's hand so tight that his fingers begin to turn white, but he doesn't even care because she's about to give him his greatest gift.

Dr Manning walks into the room as she's coming out of her contraction, "do we think it's time?" she asks excitedly as her nurses begin to prep.

Nini nods, "yes, i'm ready. she's coming now it feels like."

the doctor puts Nini's feet in the stirrups and begins to check her, "oh wow, Nina you're already starting to crown. start pushing on your next contraction!"

the young woman looks frantically at her husband, both their eyes wide with emotion as they prepare to meet their child. Nini starts pushing as soon as her next contraction hits, holding her breath as she pushes at her doctors words. Ricky is moving hair out of her face while Dana is rubbing her arm.

"you're doing amazing Nini." her mother says happily.

Ricky presses a kiss to her temple, "you're the strongest person i know."

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