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the wedding weekend was finally here.

Nini and Ricky couldn't help but be a little anxious about their wedding. they weren't nervous about getting married, it was more so about the pregnancy.

nobody knew yet.

it wasn't that they didn't want to tell anybody that they were having a baby, it just simply never seemed like the right time. Ricky was doing well being back at work and Nini was busy getting back to work as well. it just keep slipping past them.

Nini hummed as she packed her weekend bag. they were each heading off to their bachelor/bachelorette parties tonight before the wedding tomorrow. Ricky was heading to EJ's apartment for the night and Nini was off to Kourtney's place.

Ricky walked into the bedroom, wrapping his arms around her waist, his hands rubbing over her bump. looking at Nini, you wouldn't even be able to tell she was pregnant. despite being four and a half months along, her stomach was practically flat. this was because she had endometriosis and a tilted uterus, which is all fine and she's perfectly healthy to be carrying a baby, it just means that the biggest she'll get is probably what a normal three month baby bump looks like. still, there was a slight curve to her taut stomach, one that the couple had become obsessed with.

Ricky smiled from his place on her shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to her neck as he hummed, "i can't wait to meet her."

Nini's hands found his over her stomach, "me either."

they were expecting a little girl. they had a name picked out and everything; Rosalie Grace Bowen, Rosie for short. she was their light out of the darkness, something good to come out of the accident that almost ruined their lives.

the couple broke apart from each other, Nini zipping up her bag and grabbing her phone from the nightstand, sending a text to her bridal party. she's supposed to head to Kourtney's apartment, the girls all having a fun night in to celebrate the wedding.

she wrapped her arms up around her fiancé's neck, pecking his lips a few times, "i have to go."

Ricky whined slightly, "do we have to do this? can't we just stay here together? you, me, and Rosie?" he asks, his hands rubbing her hips.

she pouts, "baby, no, we agreed to separate the night before. i promise it'll be better when you see me tomorrow. now i really have to go."

they kissed quickly several times, Ricky not wanting to let go of her. when they finally do pull away, they both sigh.

"have a great time with the girls. be careful please, you're carrying precious cargo now." he says as he kisses her one more time.

Nini breaks away from him, grabbing her belongings from the bed and moving to leave the house. Ricky follows her to the living room and out to the car, putting her bags in the backseat for her. they kiss once more, a little more passionately than before, Nini pressed up against her car door.

Ricky's hands rub her stomach as she giggles when they break away from the kiss, "i love you Neens, i can't wait to marry you tomorrow."

she smiles softly, "i love you too."

he pats her stomach jokingly, "i love you too Rosie Posie."

Nini grinned at the sweet nickname he'd given their unborn daughter. he was going to be the absolute best father ever.

they parted ways with another kiss before she was in her car and driving off to her maid of honors house. this was going to be a long night.


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