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the first few days of Ricky being home were hard. he struggled to get around the house, Nini having to help him move from room to room. if he noticed she took her ring off, he hadn't said anything. maybe that was the hardest thing.

Nini was trying to pick things up around the condo before they had to leave for his physical therapy appointment at the hospital. Ricky comes out of the guest room limping, holding onto the wall for support.

"oh here, let me help you." Nini says as she rushes to hold onto his waist, helping him over to the couch.

he huffs as she sets him down, sinking into the cushion, "can you hand me my shoes?" he asks, pointing to a pair of Vans by the door.

Nini nods and pick up the shoes, handing them to his waiting hands. she watched as he struggles to put the shoes on before she bends down and slips them on his feet, tying them tightly for him.

when she stands up, she notices the sad look on his face, "hey, what's wrong?"

he shakes his head, a few tears pooling in his eyes, "i can't even put on my damn shoes. i'm never going to get better."

she sits down next to him, placing her hand on his thigh, "hey, no, you're getting better every day. Ricky, you're doing amazing. i know it's tough right now but we're gonna get through this, together."

he nods and wipes a falling tear from his cheek, "i'm sorry."

she furrows her brows, "sorry for what?"

Ricky sniffles, "for not being the man i was before the accident. i've noticed the way you look at me Nini, i'm not who i was anymore. the last thing i remember is us breaking up in college because we couldn't do long distance so we decided to just be best friends again and then i was dating Lauren. this is so shitty for you because i'm supposed to be in love with you and marrying you but i don't even remember us getting back together."

"Ricky, that doesn't matter right now. i promised you when we were kids that i'd be there for you our whole lives, no matter what obstacles we have to face together. if that means that i'm just your best friend for a little while and you need to spend time with Lauren, then so be it. i'll be here ready and waiting for you when your memories come back."

Ricky smiled sadly at her but they were interrupted by a knock on the door, Nini getting up to go answer it. she pulled the door open and resisted a scowl.

"Lauren. what're you doing here?"

the blonde barges into the house and sits next to Ricky on the couch, "i came to take my boy to physical therapy. i figured you might need a break so i'm gonna take him!"

Nini rolled her eyes slightly, "fine. his appointment starts at 2pm sharp, it's at the hospital downtown. it'll be roughly an hour and a half. i want him back here when you're done, if he's not home i will come and find you guys."

Lauren shot her a stern look, "i'm not two Nini, i know how to take care of him."

she huffed slightly and spoke under her breath, "not really considering i've been the one here helping him."

"okay if you don't go now, you'll be late!" Nini says as she tries ushering them out the door.

she watches Lauren help Ricky into her car before they drive off. Nini grabs her purse and her keys, deciding not to sit in the house and wait for them to come back.

it's not a long drive, just under 15 minutes, before she's pulling up in front of East High. it's just before 2 and she knows that the band starts rehearsal at that time and she wants to check in on the kids.

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