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Friday approached faster than Nini was expecting. Ricky was finally coming home. there had been a long discussion about where he would return to after being released, whether Nini or Mike would take care of him. ultimately the doctors agreed that Ricky would be better off returning home to the condo with Nini.

it was a little nerve racking. Ricky still didn't have most of his memories back, plus Lauren was still hanging around. Nini was nervous for what was to come.

she took some deep breaths as she walked down the hallway to his hospital room, letting out a sigh as she turned the corner into the room. Ricky was sitting on the edge of the bed, tying his shoes slowly. she took a deep breath as she watched him sit up and push his curls back, she'd definitely have to get him a haircut as his curls were way too overgrown.

"are you ready to go home?" Nini asked as she stood by the door.

Ricky looked up at her, smiling a little. he slowly got up, limping a little as he walked to meet her at the door. her hand grazed his back as they walked out of the room, Nini guiding him down the hall. they checked out at the nurses station and were sent on their way.

the car ride was the worst part. the silence was deafening as Nini drove them home. she had decided to forgo the radio incase Ricky wanted to talk but it didn't seem like that was the plan.

he turned to face her suddenly, "do you know where my phone is?"

"uh, i had to get you a new one. your iphone got smashed in the car crash and it was totally destroyed. the police took it as evidence so i went and got you a new one, it's at home." Nini said politely, never taking her eyes off the road.

the man next to her was quiet for a few minutes, "what about my car?"

Nini frowned a little, "i'm sorry ba-Ricky," she chastised herself momentarily for the nickname slip, "your Volkswagen was totaled. when your physical therapist gives you the okay to drive, i'll take you to the dealership and we'll get you a new car i promise."

"oh," Nini broke her glance at the road to see the sad look on Ricky's face, "okay."

she watched him carefully as they pulled into the driveway outside their condo, Ricky's face lighting up with confusion a little bit. Nini helped him out of the car, guiding him in the front door.

Ricky pauses once he steps through the door, something triggering his memory, "do i live here?"

"yes." Nini says as she sets her purse on the hook by the door.

he turns to face her, "with you?"

Nini nods, "yes."

Ricky turns to look around the condo, eying the pictures lining the walls, some of him and his family, some of them with their friends, some of just him and Nini on trips. he runs his finger along one of the pictures of him and Nini.

it was part of their engagement shoot, they had gone down to the park where they had their first date in high school, deciding to do the pictures there. the picture was taken from behind, a private moment between the couple captured forever. they were walking, Ricky's hand over the small of Nini's back. her head was turned slightly and you could see that she was laughing at something he said. it was one of her favorite moments with her fiancé; if she could even call him that anymore.

Nini watched carefully as Ricky slowly made his way down the hallway. he stopped as he looked in the doorway of their bedroom, the bed with the light gray comforter with the bright yellow pillows in the center of their room, the chair by his closet, his jean jacket slung over the back of it, his watch, now slightly cracked from the accident, sitting on top of the dresser where Nini had put it that first week.

Ricky slowly circled around the room, taking in all the little bits of it. he peaked his head into the bathroom and the closet, checking everything out.

Nini stood in the doorway, ringing her hands, "this is our bedroom, i mean you're bedroom, sorry. you can stay in here with me or you can sleep in the guest room, i've made it up for you i've you'd prefer to stay in there for now."

he didn't answer, simply walking out of the room to explore the rest of the house. after he was done checking everything out, Nini set him down on the couch and moved to the kitchen to make his favorite dinner; baked mac and cheese.

Nini wipes away a few tears while she cooked, finding it hard to believe that Ricky was actually back home with her, though he didn't really know who he was at the moment. when dinner was done, the two ate in silence at the small table in the breakfast nook, not speaking as they pushed their forks around their plates.

"what was i like?" Ricky asks suddenly.

Nini lifts her head from her plate, "hmm?"

"before the accident," he clarifies, "what was i like?"

Nini took a deep breath and sat her fork down as she looked across the table at the man she loves, "well, you were a teacher, you taught band at East High. um, you would write music with me after i got home from work, oh we were talking about getting a dog right before the accident, you'd been begging me for weeks to get one. you loved to cook, you probably don't remember but right before we broke up in college, you took a cooking class so you made me dinner most nights after we came home from work. you tried to take a walk a couple times a week, claiming that you spent too much of your day inside. my favorite thing was probably that you'd put on a vinyl record and we'd dance around the living room every Friday to celebrate the end of the work week."

Nini smiled as she recited her favorite memories of Ricky before the accident, absentmindedly fiddling with her ring as she did so. Ricky noticed the motion and pointed at the ring, "if you're engaged, why do you live here with me?"

her smile disappeared as she was brought back to reality, he still didn't remember. she shook her head and put her hands in her lap, "it's a long story, i'll tell you later. you're probably tired so i should help you get to bed."

they stood in the hallway for a moment as Ricky decided between their bedroom or the guest room, ultimately going with the guest room. Nini handed home some clothes and waited outside the door while he changed, coming back in to help him get into bed.

"i'm just across the hall if you need anything okay?"

Ricky nodded and Nini smiled slightly before closing the door behind her as she left the room. she let the tears roll down her face as she cleaned up in the kitchen, turning off the lights and heading to bed herself when she was done.

she looked down at her hand as she took off the rest of her jewelry for the day. it was too complicated to explain to Ricky why she was engaged when he didn't even remember their romantic relationship. Nini slipped the ring off of her finger, setting it in the ring dish on the dresser. it was just easier this way.

that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. the tears pooled in her pillow as she hugged herself to sleep, trying desperately not to think about the ring sitting across the room and the man who held her heart across the hall.

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