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the weeks turned into months and Ricky's recovery progress was getting better and better every day. Nini attended every single appointment for Ricky, taking notes on everything the doctor said and everything the physical therapist did.

she waited on him hand and foot. Ricky always tried to do things himself, only to recoil in pain, Nini sternly telling him how she can do it for him. she'd begun going back to work now that Ricky had a little more freedom in the house. he was officially 3 months post his accident and while his physical injuries were healing, his mental injuries were taking a little longer.

he'd improved a little. he always remembered his name and his birthday, proudly stating "i'm Richard Michael Bowen and i was born on December 22nd!" every morning when Nini asked him the same questions, he knew where he lived and who he lived with, he knew that Nini was his fiancé and that they were getting married in five months (pending if his memories came back or not), and he knew that he was getting stronger; both physically and mentally.

every day he remembered some new random fact, asking about Big Red's newly fostered bunny rabbit, or EJ and Gina's newborn son, or how Carlos was doing choreographing a new Broadway show. his memories were coming back stronger and stronger every day and Nini couldn't wait until the day he woke up and told her "i love you" and not just "i know i love you deep down" cause that was heartbreaking, no matter how many times she told herself it wasn't.

Nini was in the kitchen, packing up some meals in tupperware containers when Ricky limped his way into the room. while he was physically getting better, he still had some lingering pain, hence the limp.

"what're you doing?" he asks as he takes a seat at the counter.

she brushes a piece of hair behind her ear, "i'm packing food. i'm going back to work today so i wanted to sort out your meals so you don't get confused. remember, Mama C is coming over to help you in a little bit while i'm at work."

she's packing all the containers into the fridge while Ricky chuckled, "Neens, stop freaking out. you'll be fine, i'll be fine."

she paused momentarily and looked at him, "what did you just call me?"

he furrowed his brows at her, "what?"

"you called me Neens. you haven't called me that since before the accident. did you just remember that you call me that?"

Ricky shrugs a little, "huh, i guess i did. i know that's what i call you though so i guess it just came out naturally."

Nini shakes her surprise off and moves to grab her purse off the counter and making sure she had her phone and keys, "okay so i left my phone number on the fridge incase you need to call me. please call me if you need something, even if you remember something please call me. or let my mom call me."

"i'll be fine." Ricky nods.

she sighs before moving closer to him, "i know you will be. you know i worry." she placed a kiss to his messy curls and doesn't miss the way he leans back into it, "okay i'm going. i love you Ricky."

he smiles softly at her as she heads to the door, "i know."

that's their new normal, one she's still adjusting to.


at work, she's not as focused as she should be. she sits and listens to her patients while her mind drifts off to how Ricky is doing, wondering if he is okay. luckily, her day is almost over and she hasn't received a call from her mom or Ricky so that's a good thing.

when she walks through the front door of the condo, she hears laughter. more specifically, she hears Ricky's laughter; a sound she's missed so dearly.

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