Chapter 1 - Perfect Doesn't last

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It has been six years and no sign of Darkness. Venus and Leo began to think everything was safe now for their little Luna. They were very wrong.


Little Luna giggled as she jumped and hugged Leo. Leo laughed as he held his little girl.

"Papa can we go to the park tonight?"

"We sure can sweetie!"


Luna squealed as she jumped down and ran to her room. Luna sat in her chair giggling. She had a picture of her mother and father holding her as a baby but as Luna stared at the photo she noticed a man standing in the back ground.

"Who is that?"

Luna asked as she grabbed the photo examining it further. Then Luna heard an ominous voice in the corner of her room.

"I am surprised your father has not said anything about me."

"Who are you?! Do not make me scream! My daddy will beat you up!"

"I am sure he can princess."

The figure said as he stepped out of the shadows.

"After all he already killed me once."

Darkness smiled as he relaxed to show Luna he was no threat but rather a friend.

"You are Darkness! One of daddy's best friends! Where have you been all these years???"

"Out protecting you and your family Luna."

"But daddy is a great ninja."

"He is but even the greatest, strongest ninjas need a break so they can love their family."

"So are you like our guard??? Like I am a royal princess???"

Darkness chuckled at Luna's enthusiasm as he pat her head softly.

"Yes you are the princess and I am your guard."

"Yay! I always wanted to be a princess!"

Luna squealed as she danced around. Leo walked into her room concerned.

"Who are you talking to sweetie?"

"I was talking to--"

Luna began but when she turned around he was gone. Darkness was no where to be seen as if he just vanished.

"I was uh talking to my imaginary friend daddy!"

"Oh okay sweetie."

Leo laughed before closing the door and walking away. Luna looked around the room frantically.

"Darkness?? Where did you go??"

After ten minutes of looking Luna sat in her chair feeling defeated like she imagined Darkness. Then she saw a tiara left on her vanity with a small note. Luna put the tiara on as she read the note.

'Take care princess we will meet again soon - Darkness'

Luna hid the note not wanting to worry her parents as she continued to get ready. When the sun set Luna ran to her mother.


"Luna my darling!"

Venus said as she picked her daughter up tossing her into the air before catching her.

"You ready to go to the park?"


Venus and Leo held their daughter close as they made their way to the park. Luna jumped out of their arms and began to play on the play ground. The park had been abandoned for years and has been the same park they always went to but due to Leo being a mutant but Luna did not mind. She rather keep her dad and play on the same playground than lose her dad to a scientist who was not uncle Donnie. After thirty peaceful minutes a grenade was thrown underneath the playground Luna was on. The moment Leo stood up to rescue his daughter the grenade exploded. Fear stroke Leo's eyes as he thought he lost his only daughter. But little did Leo know Luna was safely in Darkness's arms away from the explosion.


Luna yelled quietly before seeing his arm badly wounded.

"You are hurt..."

"Do not worry princess now run to your father and get far away from here I will hold them off."


Luna jumped down and ran to Leo jumping into his arms. Leo and Venus hugged her worriedly.

"Come on mom and dad let's go! Before someone gets hurt!"


Venus nodded as she threw down a smoke bomb to cover their trail as they ran back to the sewers. Meanwhile Darkness stood in between the smoke and the foot bots.

"So pathetic to attack a child Cara."

The woman whose name was Cara laughed as she looked at the foot bots, her long black hair and metal mask covering her face. She was the leader of the foot bots since Karai returned to Splinter.

"How was I suppose to know where the grenade would land when I did not throw it?"

"You gave the command! I warned you time and time again to never hurt Luna!"

"She is magically gifted and you know that! She is the daughter of a mutant and human she is a monster!"

"You are wrong. You are the monster."

With that Darkness grabbed his katanas and fought Cara. Cara fought back with her small but sharp dagger. She dodged every attack till Darkness tripped her and knocked her to the ground. The katana pierced to her chest as she looked up at Darkness.

"Why protect the man who killed you?!"

"Who said I was ever protecting Leo?"

Darkness pushed the katana harder into her metal chest plate.

"Attempt to hurt Luna again and you will fall to my blade Cara. That is a promise."

"Oh is that so? Maybe you should never underestimate your opponent."

With one swift kick Darkness was on the ground his blade clanking against the ground as Cara swiftly stood up. She kicked the blade up and caught it pointing it at Darkness's neck.

"You are asking for war now Darkness. I could end it all right here but that would not make it fun. Be careful Darkness and if you want to live. You will kill that child yourself."

Cara threw the katana onto the ground as she signaled her men to follow her as they got to their vans and drove off. Darkness painfully stood up as he grabbed his katanas and put them back. Darkness made his way back to Luna's room without being seen.

"Darkness! You are okay!"

Luna whispered as she helped him sit on the bed.

"I will get the first aide kit!"

Luna ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first aide kit.

"What do you need that for?"

Venus asked crossing her arms.

"Uncle Donnie asked me to bring it to him said he hurt himself while working."

"Alright sweetie be careful in the lab."

"Yes mommy!"

Luna smiled as she watched her mom walk away before sneaking into her room as she sat on the bed tending to Darkness's wounds.

"Why do you avoid everyone?"

"Because of my past... the last time I saw everyone was when I tried to kill your father... the last time I saw your father was when you were born."

"So you are the man in that photo?"

"Yes I made a vow to your father that day... he just does not know it yet."

"Is the vow to protect me?"

"Yes princess. To protect you from Cara."

"Who is Cara?"

"My creator..."

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