Chapter 4 - Promise

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Darkness leaned against the wall of the sewer as he watched Luna dance around in front of him.

"So you are just leaving?!"

Ralph yelled enraged by his brother's sudden actions and not telling the family.

"I have no choice Ralph we are all getting too old to fight this is the best for Luna and the best for all of us."

Leo explained to his brother as he threw his bag over his shoulder and picked up Venus's suitcase.

"You are supposed to be our leader! What kind of leader just leaves?!"

"We are not defending the city anymore Ralph now please stop with the yelling."

"No! You are just turning your back on us because of Cara! We can take her on our own Leo! As a team! We are meant to stick together!"

Leo hugged his brother who was fighting back tears.

"Ralph... I have a family now times have changed and it is time for us to go our own way it is not like we are leaving for good we will come and visit. You forget I am still a turtle man," Leo said with a laugh, "this is our home, yes and we will come back once the empire has fallen."

"Then till it falls... big brother..."

"Till it falls."

Leo said as he pulled away from his brother and waved goodbye to his family. Venus hugged her sisters before going over and grabbing Luna's hand.

"We will be back soon okay!"

Venus yelled as she and Luna waved. Mikey stood up and yelled.

"Do not forget us!"

Luna laughed.

"We can never forget you, uncle Mikey!"

"Heh. That's right little munchkin."

With the tears shed Leo, Venus, Darkness, and Luna all headed to the new apartment it was a three-bedroom apartment designed for three adults and one child. Darkness had the living room and kitchen set up like before but instead, he put most of his family photos in his room and hung up photos of the three of them before Luna and even some with Luna.

"Darkness this is amazing."



Venus asked as she looked at Darkness.

"Call me Alex... that was my name before I died."

Alex smiled warmly.

"Alex. I like that name."

Venus smiled as she went to help Leo unpack.

"Why go back to your old name Alex?"

Luna asked as she sat on the couch.

"Because Luna we cannot change or run from our past all we can do is accept it. History is history you cannot rewrite it. Things are meant to happen for a reason. I am sure I was not drafted just for the royal family. I feel I was drafted and killed so I could be here protecting you princess."

Luna giggled she liked it when she was treated like a princess.

"What do you think life would be like without us Alex?"

"Well if I had never met your father I would probably still be in a glass container in Shredder's laboratory."

"That sounds lonely."

"More than you can imagine little one."

"You said you had one more form.... what happens when you die in battle?"

"Well, Luna... if I was to get deadly hurt in battle I would fade away and cease to exist... I would become a memory to you, your dad, your mom, to everyone I have met. I would not be around anymore."

"Promise me you will not get hurt in battle! I do not want to lose you Darkness--Alex! Y-You are family now! Family does not just leave you here! You fight to live!"

Alex's heart sank for he knew this was a promise he could not keep but he smiled warmly.

"I promise princess I will fight to live for you."

"Pinky promise?"

Luna asked as she held her pinky up. Alex wrapped his pinky around hers.

"I promise till the day comes."

"Even then try please."

"Even then I will fight till the end."

"Good." Luna smiled as she hugged Alex, never wanting to lose him. To her, Alex was another grandpa just like Sensei. Always having stories to tell and always having wisdom for his family.

After several hours of eating and watching the movie, Alex went to his room and laid down. He stared at the ceiling. The promise he made to Luna running through his mind. This promise completely destroyed his plans of how to take down Cara's empire... and now he had to think of a new way to protect little Luna and her parents. But when the time came he would do everything he had to in order to protect Leo, Venus, and especially Luna even if it meant death.


As darkness slowly surrounded Alex's eyes he woke up in a field of grass a blue moon shining high above him. A dragon flew down to him...


The dragon shaped-shifted into a woman standing before him.

"Alex. It has seemed you have accepted your past and accepted your fate."


Alex simply replied as he stared at the elegant woman.

"You know how to defeat Cara don't you?"

"The dagger..."

"Yes, the dagger made from my dragon scales... I gave my life to make that dagger so you could defeat her."

"I know..."

"And you are aware of the costs of wielding such a weapon?"

"It will cost me my life..."


"Unless Luna heals me... under the full moon..."

Alex said as he looked down fists forming.

"Does the child know of her abilities?"

Alex's silence made the answer loud and clear. The woman frowned as she looked at the blue moon.

"The child is strong much like April half mutant half-human. But her abilities are being buried deep within and you will not tell her will you?"

"She is six years old. She far too young for such a powerful spell."

"Then it seems my friend your death is inevitable."

"It seems so..."

"And you will break your promise to little Luna."

"The dagger will be a last resort till then I keep my promise and fight till my last breath."

The woman smiled as she faded away and Alex continued to look at the blue shining moon.

"Luna forgive me if it comes to me wielding the dagger for your protection..."

Alex laid back in the grass watching the moon hearing Luna's soft laughter knowing the full moon is what unlocks her powers. But yet he still thinks her young age makes her too frail for such a strong power. Only time will tell. For Alex, it seems Death is Inevitable. And Luna will be left in the darkness like how he once was.

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