Chapter 6 - Alex's past

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Disclaimer!!! This chapter is just of Alex's past! So if you could care less about what happened to Alex skip this chapter and continue on with the story in the next chapter! If you are curious about Alex's past here you go! Enjoy!


Alex's POV

I was born on June 17th, 1788. I had a small quiet life. I lived on a farm with my mother and father. When I was sixteen my father passed away... I dropped out of high school and began to work two full-time jobs to help keep the house. After two years my mother fell ill... she passed away one night and I was on my own... Eighteen with no diploma and two full-time jobs.

One day I was walking down the street when I saw this woman. She was gorgeous, with dark brown curly hair, tanned skin, and curves that worked with her slightly bigger body than your average girl. She was sitting in the corner of the library studying a college book. I knew instantly I was a nobody compared to her. But she came over to my corner. I was taking my lunch break at the time and she sat down next to me and we talked for what seemed like hours. From that day on every day, we sat next to each other till I finally managed to get the courage to meet her family. Her parents did not like me at all. I was a nobody with no future. Ha if only they could see me now. But at the time they were right I was a nobody. But Lizzy did not care she packed her bags and moved to the farm with me. Together we lived the rest of our lives happy, peaceful.

One day my wife surprised me with a baby bump forming. It was going to be our first kid. Sadly, our only kid as well. June 1st, 1816. We estimated our child's due date was sometime in December. When it was about August I was forced to join the army and become a guard for the kingdom. In doing so I had to leave my wife and our unborn child. I held them both close scared I would never see them again. I packed my bag and left on August 1st, 1816. I served the royal family from August up till December. On December 1st, 1816 the king allowed me to go watch my daughter be born. I left and went to the hospital as I watched my wife give birth to our beautiful baby girl. I got to hold her once. Her soft skin laying in my arms felt amazing. Sadly, the next day I was sent back to the royal family.

I died December 2nd, 1816... One day after my angel was born my life was taken away. I was the guard of the princess. I was standing outside her door when her room exploded... someone had planted a bomb during my absence. My ears rang with blood I ran in and picked the princess up bridal style. Luckily, she was in the bathroom when the bomb went off so she was not severely injured. I ran with her as fast as I could to the safe room in the basement. But I was cut off by the men who planted the bomb. I sat the princess behind me and I fought with all my might but in the end... they held me back as they killed the princess in front of me. Then with the same dagger finished me off as well... I died one day after my daughter's birth... it was five years before I became a cursed soul.

I wandered around wondering why no one could see me or hear me. Then I saw them. My wife and daughter at my grave. My heart shattered and I tried to tell them I was there but they could not hear me. Sadly, all I could do was stand and watch. My daughter looked so much like her mother. I got to hold her once. Only once. I never heard her first word. Missed her first steps. Missed her first laugh. Missed her first cry. Missed her first day of school. Missed helping her have a better life than me... I missed it all because I was forced into the military. I just left... the pain was unbearable...

I went to New York. I poked around for about five years learning how to use my powers to be able to become human again. Also to become a mutant. I went back to Japan to my wife's new home. I wanted to hold her and tell her I am back. But I could not bring myself to knock on the door. I watched from afar in spirit form. I watched my daughter go off to college as my wife well, she never remarried so after our daughter was gone she went back to her old ways. Always reading.

It was now 1835... Daisy was nineteen years old and was living her best life. My wife, she was forty-five and perfectly healthy. I did not stay for long because the pain got worse the longer I stayed.

December 5th, 1865. Four days after our daughter's birthday my wife passed away to heart failure. Lizzy, my wife, was seventy-five which was a long time back in my day. My daughter was only forty-nine and was now alone. Both parents gone. January 1st, 1882... Daisy, my daughter, passed away at sixty-six years old to heart failure.

I was now alone. It was 1882 I had been dead for sixty-six years. I had been working for the past fifty-six years to pass time but my family was gone and it hurt me really bad... in 2008 I became Karai's little experiment. I was her little amusement for six years and then that is when the turtles came around. I was merged with Leonardo which made my mutant form turn into a human-size turtle. The rest you already know. But for those who need a refresher. Mikey was working in secrecy to bring Leo back home. After four years Mikey succeeded and Leo returned home but he had to fight me and my mutant form was defeated.

I had one more form left. My human form. I saw Luna be born and after she was I vowed to Leo I would protect her and I did. For the next six years, I had fought Karai and protected Luna. To me, Luna was just like Daisy. As if Daisy's spirit was with her. But I knew my daughter was long gone and I could not take Luna from her parents.

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