Chapter 1

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Alright. This is the first chapter. I am sorry if there were any typing errors that managed to get past.
I will try my best. If you don't like it you don't have to read it. Thank you.
Loki woke up to a world of pain, the blue haze in his mind finally gone. Being thrown around like a ragdoll broke him free of that wretched spell placed upon him. But of course no one would believe that. Who in their right minds would believe the god of lies and tricks? Nobody back at home -no not home anymore- bileved him and he had tried to subjugate this realm even if it was unwillingly. No it's better to keep playing the villain. Don't show any weakness.

He lifted himself up slowly ignoring the pain shooting throughout his body. You've suffered worse. It is nothing less that you deserve monster. Would Odin listen if he pleaded his case? Of course not, he never cared about him. To Odin he was just a pawn. And neither will Thor. Thor who wore his heart on his sleeve would close his ears and ignore him. But it wasn't as if he came when he needed him. Where was he when the Chitauri -no don't think about it.

Even though he tried to stop it the Chitauri flashed before his mind -clawing, cutting, burning- memories flashed before him -STOP- and he put them to a halt.

He would act uncaring then. He won't let these mortals or his br-Thor see his fear. They were in front of him standing ready for something else the trickster might do. He sat on the stairs grinning up at them keeping his voice nonchalant said, "If it's all the same to you I'll have that drink now." Don't let them see how weak you are.
His grin only faltered a bit as another wave of pain shot through his body. They wouldn't care. No one ever cared. And in that moment he decided he didn't care anymore. No one would ever believe him. He would always be the god of lies. Let them do what they want.

And with that Thor took his brother to Asgard to receive justice. The Avengers thinking that this is the last they would see of the trickster didn't know how wrong they were.

4 months later

The Avengers minus Thor were getting ready for the evening. After the battle of New York Tony Stark had extended his invitation of living in the tower to the rest of team. They all surprisingly accepted and now lived in the Avengers Tower. Tony was standing near the coffee machine waiting for the holy grail that is coffee to be made. Bruce Clint and Natasha were sitting on the table.

"Hey Tony anyone gonna make supper or what?", Clint asked stifling a yawn. Living in the tower they learned Tony was amazing at making breakfast. Clint could grill, Bruce was good at making foreign due to his travels and Steve could pretty much make any american food. Thor and Natasha on the other hands were horrible cooks and it was unanimously decided never to let them near the stove.

Tony waited for his coffee, took a sip, sighed and then said,"I ordered pizza. Waiting for Cap to come back from his evening run."

At that moment a man with short blonde hair and blue eyes came in panting. He had the pizza boxes in his hand. This was Captain America, Steve Rogers. He looked at the Avengers sitting at the table. Without saying a word he went to the fridge, drank water and sat down to eat. After about 20 mins the pizza sitting in the middle of the table was almost finished.

Clint took three slices and put on a heap of mayonnaise. "Come on Legolas, don't make me loose my appetite." Tony complained while putting ketchup on his. Before Clint could come up with a retort Natasha cut him off, "Just eat your food." She was not in the mood for any arguments this evening. She for once wanted peace.

After a minute of silence in which the only sound was coming from the kitchen Tony spoke up, "Hey Clint how are the arrows coming along?"

Clint swallowed a big bite, "I almost forgot, I tried them in the archery range. They kept blowing up before time."

Like that they made small conversation not once feeling awkward or uncomfortable in each others presence. Suddenly a loud explosion sounded from outside accompanied by a blinding light. All the avengers rushed outside.

"Jarvis, what was that?" Tony asked his AI as he made his way to the roof.

"It's appears Mr. Odinson has arrived. He also has someone with him."

Hearing that Tony calmed down as did rest of the team. Tony opened the door that led to the roof, "Hey Point Break, didn't expect you to-." Whatever he was about to say of was cut off as he and the rest saw who exactly was with him.

The rest of the Avengers also stood with their mouths agape except for Natasha who had a blank face and Clint whose hands were clenching and uncleching with anger. "What the fuck is he doing here?" he all but shouted pointing at the black haired man standing besides Thor. Without even waiting for an answer he went back inside.
All the others just stared at the person, the same person who had invaded New York just four months ago, Loki.

"Mind explaining what's going on here?" Natasha spoke in a neutral tone.

"Aye I will but first we must go inside." Thor said in his booming voice. He took Loki by the arm and led him inside none too gently. All of the Avengers followed curious and apprehensive of the trickster.
Clint was sitting in the lounge glaring at the wall in front of him. All the Avengers filed in, Natasha taking a seat next to Clint giving him support. Bruce sat down on one of the chairs Steve doing the same and Tony went behind the bar to get himself a scotch.

Tony noticed that Loki wasn't wearing his normal armor but instead a flimsy long sleeved shirt and black trousers. He also had some sort of shackles on his hands.
"My friends, upon the orders of Odin All-father, Loki is too be kept on Earth."
So, hate it love it. Also sorry if any of the characters are OOC. i'm not that good.

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