Chapter 9

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Everyone was staring at him in either shock or amusement. Amusement at his naked state which caused Loki to blush adorably. This only further increased their amusement. Bruce was then finally given clothes by Steve, who took pity on the poor doctor.

After the little Hulk incident Loki was taken up to the living room when he complained he didn't want to stay in the med-bay. Bruce suggested they give Loki liquids for two to three days and if he could hold them they would shift to solids.

They tried simple soup which Loki gulped down greedily. Having nothing better to do Tony suggested they watch a movie. After much deliberation they decided on a disney movie Lilo and Stitch. Pepper wanted to go for something 'lighter' as she put it. Surprisingly, they all actually enjoyed the movie.

When Loki laughed they couldn't even call it remotely similar to the manical laughter they heard in New York. It only showed even more that this Loki was different. Near the end of the movie everyone had dozed of on the couches sleeping soundly. Jarvis quietly switched off the T. V and kept the video of the night in an inaccessible file.
Loki was the second to wake up, the Captain having already woken up. Loki looked around and smiled. He was happy. For once in his life people besides his mother and brother cared about him. They actually seemed interested in his magic without any ulterior motives. Watching them sleep made his face break into a grin.

Pepper and Stark were sleeping together on the floor an iron man blanket wrapped over them. Thor was snoring loudly (as always) right next to him. It was a miracle nobody woke up. Agent Barton was sleeping on the floor but his feet were on the sofa whereas Agent Romanoff was sleeping on a bean bag, curled into a ball. Bruce was sleeping behind the couch.

Loki slowly got up without waking anyone and made his way to the kitchen instucted by Jarvis. "Mr. Loki, Mr. Rogers has prepared soup for you. It is in the fridge." Loki said a 'thank you', heated the soup and drank it contentedly.

His thoughts went back to his mother. Oh how he missed her. He wanted to meet Frigga when he got out his cell but he knew she wouldn't want to meet him after all he had done. He would be suprised if she even loved him. He wiped his eyes when he heard footsteps, shaking his melancholic thoughts away. It was the Captain.

"How are you feeling Loki?"

"Quite good actually. The soup was quite nice." he gave a small smile that only made Steve want ro ruffle his hair. After drinking water he sat down in front of Loki. "You ever played chess before?"
20 minutes later Tony woke up with a yell as the God of Thunder managed to somehow kick him in the face which in turn woke up Pepper who was next to him and the two assassins who were trained to wake up at any sign of threats. Bruce also woke up, as he was a light sleeper.

After a bit of arguing and grumbling they all went into the kitchen leaving Thor behind who was still snoring loudly. They were greeted to a sight of Loki ending the chess game with a check mate. All of them interested decided to watch as the game began again. This time Steve was beaten in under ten minutes.

Tony whistled and clapped startling both of them. "This guy beat me four times already in a span of thirty minutes." Steve supplied. Tony said he wanted to go next. The game didn't even last five minutes.
Tony laughed and said, "You should go against Natasha. No ones managed to beat her."

Natasha said she'll have a go after she eats breakfast. "Say Rudolph did you always win chess before too or has someone ever beaten you?"

"I believe this is the first time I have ever played this game Stark, though it is quite entertaining."

Tony blinked once, twice, "Dude you will kill Natasha, no offence Agent. Is this really the first time you played 'cause you are amazing my friend." If Loki's cheeks reddened ever so slightly no one commented. Nat had eaten her breakfast and the game began.

First one to be captured was a pawn by Loki followed by a knight by Natasha. Slowly Natasha lost her rook and bishop but managed to get Loki's queen and second knight. But Loki used a pawn and brought his queen back. And slowly Loki managed to capture all of Natasha pieces until only the king remained. Loki was left with his queen, king, two bishops and a rook. Slowly the king was captured and Loki won.

The kitchen erupted in cheers. Thor had woken up when the game had started and it made him so happy to see his brother actually enjoying himself for once. To see him looking comfortable in someone's company brought him so much joy but also pained him to think how much he had failed Loki. Not anymore, he vowed to himself. I will always be with you my brother.
Heimdall was standing regal as ever eyes wandering, looking at all there is. It was his duty to see any threat there was to Asgard and warn it of the danger. He heard footsteps and greeted them

"Good evening my Queen."

Queen Frigga stood behind Heimdall looking as graceful and poised as was her duty. But Heimdall could see the worry behind her eyes. A worry that only a mother can have for her children.

"Good evening to you as well Gatekeeper. How fares my son?"

"Prince Thor is currently sitting with his friends enjoying a morning meal."

Frigga gave a small smile at that but then turned serious once more, "You know that was not of whom I ask. Tell me Heimdall what happened to Loki when he was imprisoned? I saw him when they were taking him to midgard. Please tell me what happened?" her façade was now broken and she looked like she would burst into tears.

"His majesty has forbidden me to speak of the young prince my Queen. I am sorry."
Frigga turned away dejected. Heimdall spoke up, "My Queen, might I suggest a visit to Thor. He has expressed that he misses you."

Frigga smiled, nodded and left with a "Thank you Gatekeeper."
Don't kill me. I like Lilo and Stitch a lot and decided the Avengers should watch it. And I enjoyed writing Loki playing chess. He seems the kind of person that would enjoy this game.

He is a genius so he had to win all matches in my book. All Queen Frigga has been mentioned. *Yay*

Tell me what you think. Thank you for reading. I am sorry for any problems. I will attempt to better myself.

Your sincerely,

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