Chapter 7

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Loki woke up in the morning feeling rested and safe. He didn't know why but he wanted it to last. He then felt the hand holding his own gently as if it were made of glass. He suddenly sat upright wincing slightly at the pain his movements caused. It's turns out that person was Thor. He was looking at him with an expression he couldn't decipher.

He looked around wondering where he was and suddenly he remembered. Him passing out. The memories. The woman -Pepper, she said that was her name- comforting him as he weeped -like the pathetic weakling you are, afraid of a needle and thread- him falling asleep. He looked towards his brother -your not his brother- and saw that the look still hadn't gone.

"Thor I-I can explain... " his words were cut off as he was suddenly enveloped in a hug. Thor moved too quick for him to react and when it finally registered what had happened he pushed against Thor trying to get free. He felt a wetness on his skin and felt Thor shake

"Thor wha-are you crying?" incredulity was laced in his voice. Thor was the strong one, he never cried. Thor muttered something he didn't catch. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I should have been a better brother. I should have protected you, to try and understand you, instead I only mocked." He slowly released Loki from the hug.

Loki was missing the warmth already. "Thor you don't have to apologize. It wasn't your fault. I'm weak and a monster... "

Once again he was cut off as Thor spoke up, "No Loki." Thor grabbed the side of his neck in the familiar gesture, "You are not weak. You are the strongest person I have ever met. No one can go through what you did.

"They would have given up long ago. You are the reason I am still alive to be here. You have saved my life so many times. So do not ever think you are weak. I know you did not wish to attack Earth."
Loki was stunned. He didn't expect to hear this. Never in his life he thought he would be called strong by Thor. "But the other Avengers, they wouldn't believe it."

Thor gave a little laugh at that, "Brother do you not remember Lady Potts' promise? No one will hurt you here. They all believe you. They know you are not to be blamed, as do I." He enveloped his brother in another hug and this time Loki returned it. Things were looking out to be good until Thor said, "I believe now is a good time for the real you to meet the team."                                                         
All the Avengers and Pepper woke up early. Bruce was already sitting on the table drinking coffee. "How is he?" Steve asked.

"Well due to the fact that his magic is blocked his healing is slower than Thor but it's still quite fast, so he'll be completely healed in about a week or so. Right now Thor was talking to him. They were having a heart to heart." Bruce smiled as he said this.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go visit our Norse gods then." Tony grabbed his coffee and started walking towards the med bay. When he saw no one was following he put on an expression of mock annoyance, "So, you all coming or not?" Everyone smiled at his antics and made to follow.

When they arrived in the medical room they saw Loki look at them with a startled and mildly fearful look. "Hey Lokes just came here to see how you're doing?"

Loki looked bewildered, "I am feeling much better. Thank you for giving me medical treatment."

Thor gave a hearty laugh, "Loki I told you that you don't have to worry about them. And once you are fully healed I will return to Asgard-"

Loki backed away from Thor with a whimper. Thor was stunned into silence, "Please don't take me back there. Please."

"Whoa, whoa, no one's gonna take you anywhere alright? And if someone does try to do something they'll have to go through us." Clint assured him. Everyone else voiced there agreement. Thor also spoke up, "Brother I will not be taking you back to Asgard not now not ever so do not worry."

Loki visibly relaxed and gave a small nod. Tony decided to change the topic, "So Loki are the illusions all you can do with your magic?"

Before Loki could even answer Thor said, "Nay my brother has many more spells than those. One of his main abilities also included shape-shifting. He is one of the strongest sorcerer in the nine realms." he sounded like he was very proud.

Loki only looked annoyed, "You big oaf, you were never good at explaining magic so please leave it to me before you butcher it further." Thor only enveloped him in another hug. "Let go of me Thor." Loki tried to push him away though his attempts seemed half hearted. Everyone smiled at the adorable sibling behavior.

Natasha on the other hand was thinking. It finally made sense, "You were holding back."

Loki who had finally been released from the hug looked up, "Well yes. Why else do you think I gave all those useless speeches and drew your attention towards myself. Though most of my actions weren't under my control I was still able to plan. I even managed to stop myself from taking that agent's life. I believe his name was Coulson."

An awkward silence fell in the room, "You did give him medical assistance correct? If he received immediate assistance he would have lived." Loki explained noticing the tension. "He survived right?"

"So you never wanted to kill him?"

"I never wanted to kill anyone. But I am also aware that I caused many deaths. I truly regret that." The last part was said in a whisper. At that point he looked so young and unsure of himself.

Suprising everyone even herself Natasha stepped forward, "Loki we know you didn't mean any of it. Others may treat you differently for it but remember we know and we will always be there for you. We will protect you." she said softly as if explaining to a child.

"Yeah as long as you don't try to take over the world again Rudolph." This caused a smile to crack on Loki face and some of the tension dissipated. Maybe, just maybe things will get better.

"Hey Loki" Tony called for his attention, "By the way this random question popped into my mind? How old are you?"

That was unexpected for everyone but they did want to hear the answer. After a bit of thinking he finally said, "About 1050 years old though by human years I would have just turned the equivalent of a 17 year old."

This was not what they were expecting.
I've always liked the theory that Loki's only a teenager. For some reason that makes me kinda happy.

And yes this Loki regrets what he did and feels bad about it. And I put in more Thor and Loki brotherly fluff.

If you liked it tell me about it. Thank you for reading. Sorry if you think something was weird. I will try to do better next time.

Your sincerely,

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