Chapter 10

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They should have been more careful. They should have known they would have to explain Loki soon. But they didn't think it would be today. And with an irate -scratch that- a pissed off Nick Fury sitting in front of them and a startled and quite Loki between them it wasn't looking good at all.

"So mind explaining what this asshole is doing here, unguarded and free?" he asked, looking directly at his two agents.

"Well technically he isn't free because the cuffs bind his magic and-"

"Shut it Stark." Fury barked. Tony glared at him but kept his mouth shut. He knew it wouldn't help their case if he talked back.
"Agent Romanoff and Barton. What do you two have to say for this? You all do realize that he is a dangerous criminal correct?"

"Sir we have a perfect explanation for this."

"Oh really?" Fury asked his voice sarcastic.

"Yes mind control and torture." Tony spoke his voice cold.

Nick Fury was a spy and the head of SHEILD. He was known to me cold, calculated and uncaring, using people as means to an end. What people didn't know was that he actually cared. His mother always said that his caring was going to get him into trouble.

Yes, he cared though he never showed it because people could use this against him at any time if they knew. His position as the head of a spy agency really made it necessary. But yes, he cared for his agents and yes, he cared about his team and now it seems he cared about a certain black haired norse god.

After being given every detail regarding the god of mischief and being shown all videos and medical state he did not want to break Odin's face or shoot those council members to next week. Nope, not at all.

"Sir", Captain America broke him out of his thoughts, "we cannot hold Loki accountable for what happened. He was also under the influence of the sceptre."

"Yeah Reindeer Games shouldn't be blamed. It's the same case as Legolas being under mind control."

Fury gave a long suffering sigh. Loki was currently in his room with Pepper Potts. The rest of them decided that it would be best if he wasn't here to see this, even though he protested. Pepper went to give him company. "Bring the god in here. I wanna talk to him."

"He is on his way Director." Jarvis informed them.

When Loki came in he looked a little frightened but still stood strong. "Director Fury. Before you say anything I truly do regret the deaths I have caused. I had no intentions of harming Midgard but I am willing to accept any punishment you set for me because I am still guilty of not trying hard enough to stop the mind control and being weak."

Everyone started speaking at once some reassuring him he wasn't weak and others asking Fury to not sentence him. Fury was getting a headache with all this noise. "QUITE.", he shouted which cause everyone to shut the hell up. Good. He walked over to Loki who looked him dead in the eye. He had guts, Fury had to admit. Not many could look him in the eye.

"SHIELD will see what it can do to keep Loki's presence a secret from the Board though it would be better if you guys actually come clean with it." They all stared. Loki blinked. Some of the tension dissipated from his shoulders. He gave a small smile. "Thank you Director."

"But I have my eye on you. One little peep and your ass will be locked up faster than you can say shit." Loki only grinned. He could tell the director's threat was serious yet at the same time it was not. He was the God of lies. "As you wish Director."

Fury smirked. He like this kid. Though he was still surprised the guy in front of him was an 17 year old, relatively speaking.

"Hey Fury. Why did you come here anyways? Awfully strange for you." Tony asked still annoyed that he came unannounced.

"Well I came to give my two agents their next assignment which is in a week. And thought I would check on the resident psychopath. Though this was not what I had in mind." He handed two drives to the agents and was about to go that Natasha asked

"Is Phil really alive?"

"That, Agent, is classified information." And he left without another word.

"Well that happened. Anywho I'm making omelette. Who wants some? I'll make some smoothie for Loki too." Tony asked heading towards the kitchen. Loki excused himself saying something about finally taking a bath. Thor was already in the kitchen eating his favorite pop tarts.

Loki then walked in a roll of bandages in his hand, his hair dripping wet. "I believe it is your job to bandage my wounds Doctor Banner if you are not busy." Bruce was just done eating so he got to work.

"Call me Bruce, Loki. And your wounds are looking better. So are you for that matter." And it was true. His skin had a little more color and he looked a little more healthier. It really was surprising how quickly the liesmith was healing.

"Well it appears my sedir is working well."

"I thought your magic was blocked. How could it be working?" Clint spoke.

"Sedir is a part of me. It flows in my veins alongside my blood. These cuffs" he held up his hands, "merely stop any external use of it. I was previously not able to heal as I was severely malnourished. But as I am eating food my sedir is working to heal my wounds and restore my previous health."

"But Thor said you wouldn't be able to heal because your magic is blocked."

"That is how an Asgardian's sedir works. If it gets blocked their healing capabilities will be rendered useless. But no one outside of Asgard knows of this. No one but you all."

Though Tony was interested in finding more about his magic he just realized that they really needed to order some clothes for the demi-god here. He literally only had those pyjamas that he was currently wearing. Before he could voice his opinion Jarvis' voice, sounding confused, well as confused as a computer could, stopped all talk.

"Sir, it seems that a woman has appeared in the living room."
I have no idea why I ended it here. I think the words were too much or something.....

Anyways I've always entertained the idea of Fury actually being a softie at heart and only keeping a cold exterior due to his position. Guess I finally used it.

Well don't forget to tell me what you think. Thank you for reading this story. Sorry if you didn't like something. I will try and better myself.

Your sincerely,

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