Chapter 8

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After a bit of thinking he finally said, "About 1050 years old though by human years I would have just turned the equivalent of a 17 year old."
This was not what they were expecting.

This time Clint was the first to break the silence, "Wait so you're telling us that your a kid?!" his voice incredulous.

"I would much prefer the term young adult." Loki muttered his head bowed.

"How does that even work?" Tony asked curiosity lacing his voice. Bruce was also looking interested in the conversation. Loki started explaining, surprised that they were actually interested. When someone asked a question he answered explaining it as easily as possible so it was easy to understand.

The conversation slowly stirred from age to technology to the brother's adventures when they were younger. These earned many laughs especially when it was mentioned that Thor actually had dressed as a bride to retrieve his hammer. Even Natasha laughed when she had merely smiled at the previous stories.

Steve noticed how animated and well young Loki looked when he was talking to people who genuinely seemed interested in his conversation. His green eyes seemed to light up when Thor would laugh at his joke or praise him. Something that he never seemed to have were people that cared and now Steve wished that the Avengers would become those.

What Tony didn't understand was how people on Asgard could actually have had thought Loki to be weak. Even after all that he had gone through he still looked happy, happier than Tony could ever have been. His magic was an interesting topic and the inventor wanted to test it out at some other time. He could also see that this kid was a strategic genius if he actually planned the whole invasion to fail and was smart too, picking up concepts easily.

Bruce spoke up breaking Tony out of his thoughts, "Alright Loki I think it's time we change your bandages. I also have to take your temperature to see if you have a fever, if you don't mind?"

"Not at all Doctor please do what you must." Bruce got to it immediately. His wounds were looking a lot better though it was obvious they would need more time. He really did heal faster than humans. Wonder how fast his healing is with his magic then? Tony thought to himself. Bruce put a thermometer in Loki's mouth and when he took it out he eyes widened.

Wondering what the fuss was about Tony said, "What's wrong doc? You look as if you've seen a ghost." Bruce only handed the thermometer to Tony. The rest of his team crowded behind him, Loki and Thor sharing a confused look on the bed.

Apparently Loki's body temperature was less that minus 2 degree Celsius. Bruce put his hand on Loki's forehead. He felt warm. Then why....?

Natasha asked the question that was on everyone's tongue, "Why do you have a body temperature of minus 2 degree?"

"Oh that's because he is a frost giant. There body temperatures are lower than ours." Thor supplied. Loki was looking down and nervously fumbling with the bed sheet. The rest of them couldn't believe they forgot. It was hard to remember that they were aliens when these guys looked so much like them.

"But your warm to the touch?" Bruce inquired politely.

"I believe it is the magic coating me. A normal frost giant's touch can cause frostbite." Loki supplied.

"No need to be rude but Loki isn't exactly a giant. He's tall but not giant. Or are all frost giants just above six feet?" Tony asked. Loki gripped the sheets so hard that his knuckles turned white. Thor looked a bit hesitant to answer. Before he could though Loki answered

"I was born small for a Jotun. A runt. That is why I was abandoned by my father the night I was born, in a temple, to die. It was there that Odin found me. But he only took me in so later he could use me to form an alliance with Jotunheim as I was the son of their king."

Everyone was once again speechless. What could they say? "You know what, your dads are all horrible." Tony started. Loki gave him a look that clearly said 'no shit'. Tony continued ignoring said look, "But from now on your one of us. And we will always have your back because that's what a team does. We're friends now. So welcome to the Avengers Rudolph."

Thor beamed happily at Tony's declaration. Loki was stunned. He muttered slowly, "Friends... I have friends?" The look on Loki's face as he uttered these words caused everyones gut to wrench with pity. Tony spoke, "Great now that that's out of the way what do you want to eat?"

"Um..... what?"

"What do you want to eat Loki?" Steve gently repeated the question.

"I think the question should be when was the last time he ate?" Clint muttered.

Apparently Loki heard him because he answered, "I believe it was before Thor's coronation Agent Barton." Looks like it was 'stun the Avengers to silence day' because that was exactly what had happened. Again. They looked at him incredulously.

This guy was saying that it had been 16 months since he had last eaten. How was he even alive? "I'm sorry what did you just say?" Bruce asked him once again, just to be sure he had heard correctly and silently hoping that he didn't.

"The Chitauri did not feed me for that would have given me strength and I would have been able to escape. Whereas in Asgard creatures such as me did not deserve food. For I am Jotun and everyone knows they are nothing but monsters." This caused all the Avengers to scowl. Asgardians were apparently egotistical and biased.

Thor was livid. His father treated his son in such a manner. Did he even care a little about Loki? The other prisoners were not treated this harshly. Bruce knew getting mad was not good for anyone but he could feel the Hulk banging to be let out. His brown eyes flashed green.

Loki misunderstood the anger believing it was directed towards him. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you all. I shouldn't have spoken out of context. I-" Loki started shaking violently with fear and unsuccessfully tried to hold back soft sobs. Thor's stomach twisted with pain at his brother's reaction.

Bruce eyes flashed green again and this time he couldn't stop himself from turning into the Hulk. Without making a single noise except for some equipment crashing the Hulk walked over to Loki where Thor was still trying to calm Loki down who had covered his head. He gently picked Loki up as if Loki was made of glass and hugged him softly

"Loki no cry. Hulk know Loki good now. Loki friend like Tony and team. Hulk keep Loki safe. Promise. Hulk smash bad people who hurt Loki." Loki let out a soft chuckle at the last comment. Hulk seemingly satisfied turned back to normal after setting Loki down on the bed.

Everyone was staring at him in either shock or amusement. Amusement at Bruce's naked state which caused Loki to blush adorably. This only further increased their amusement. Bruce was then finally given clothes by Steve, who took pity on the poor doctor.
Well. This ended on a happier note. Loki's finally getting some happiness and acceptence and apparently food soon. -_-

And The Hulk also likes Loki. They friends now. And I hate Odin so he's the villain. It's just so easy to see him as bad for me.

Well tell me what you think. Thank you for reading. I am sorry for all mistakes. I promise to try better.

Your sincerely,

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