Chapter 16

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His eyes were wide. He was too late. The beam had hit as a body now crumpled to the floor.

Everyone was shocked. They now stared at the body of Queen Frigga. She had teleported herself in place of Loki to protect him. Everything was silent and still.

Then Thor's hammer dropped from his hand causing a resounding bang to echo through the room. Loki whispered "Mother" before both Thor and he rushed towards her prone figure.

Thor cradled his mother's body in his arms tears falling freely. Loki fell on his knees his hands hovering near them but not touching them. Bruce, Natasha and Clint had also arrived. All the Avengers moved forward and stood near the brothers.

"Someone go and call Eir. Right now." Thor bellowed. Loki was still staring. Nothing registered in his mind as his own thoughts didn't cease. Wherever you go you bring chaos, destruction and ruin. But this wasn't his fault. He was trying to do good.

Sights, nightmares flashed before his eyes. Captain lying in a bloodied heap. No, no it isn't real. Clint supporting Natasha both of them critically injured before being shot down. Stop, none of this is real. But reality kept mixing. Tony impaled through the chest, Thor being tortured.

It kept getting worse and worse. Loki couldn't take it. He had to protect his friends. He had to keep them safe. Odin's words rang through his head -they will be punished. He had to keep them safe from Odin.

Slowly he got up. His fingers started turning blue which slowly spread to his face. The Avengers watched in awe as Loki's alabaster skin was now completely blue with ridges on his face. The whole courtroom gasped in shock at the younger prince's state.

Green mist started forming around his hand. His magic, Tony realized. There was a spark around his wrist and then the cuffs that had bound his magic now lay on the floor broken, smoke slightly rising from them.

His nails were now black claws, fangs sharp and visible as Loki took in a breath. His breath came out misty. His ears were now pointed slightly from the tips. But the most amazing part of this transformation were his eyes. What were once a beautiful green were now completely red with only the pupil being black.

Thor was the first to break out of the daze. "Loki what are you doing?" but Loki didn't respond. He only looked at his hands then flicked his wrist. A green light shimmered in front of the Avengers. Thor jumped forward to stop his brother from whatever foolishness he was about to do but was stopped by a force field.

"Loki release us from this containment and stop whatever it is your doing." Thor ordered.

But nothing registered to Loki who only turned, his eyes looking around until they settled on Odin. He slowly walked forward, leisurely, almost as if going on a stroll yet the intent to kill could be felt by everyone.

The guards sensed his intentions and rushed forward to intercept him but, with just one flick of Loki's wrist, the guards were sent hurtling backwards.

The guards charged again. One of the guards thrust his spear forward which Loki merely side stepped. He grabbed the spear breaking it like a twig and then froze the guard's legs in place. Others rushed forward and all were taken down easily.

The Avengers watched in fascination as Loki took down guards one by one not even breaking a sweat. They turned around as they heard footsteps. An elderly woman with a stern face and kind eyes came running. Thor who once again had his mother in his arms called over to her. "Lady Eir please come. Mother, she is hurt."

Eir quickly got into action with a practiced ease. She waved her hands and a blue light enveloped the queen. Some strange markings appeared in front of the old woman.

Reading them she nodded, "My prince she will be alright. She is unconscious and we will have to treat her but I will stabilise her condition the best I can." Everyone sighed in relief.

Eir knew she was wrong to lie but she had to make sure the prince kept a level head. He already had much to deal with. In reality it would be difficult to even stabilize the queen's condition. And even then it wasn't certain if the queen would wake up after that.

Now that Thor knew that his mother would be alright he looked towards his brother who had a guard by the neck, a vicious smile on his face.

"Is that the young prince?" the elderly woman asked disbelief evident on her face.

"Aye Lady Eir it is."

Thor called his hammer, then summoning his lightning he broke through the force field. Before the other Avengers could even comprehend what happened the force field was back. "Dammit Thor." Tony yelled out.

Loki's attention was diverted as he felt his magic break, tossing the guard in his hand to the side. The guard crawled away clutching his neck, fear evident on his face. He looked back and saw Thor rush towards him. He prepared to fight but was assaulted by memories.

Thor hugging him in the Avengers Tower. Him grabbing his neck affectionately before joking about his helmet. Thor letting him sleep at night with him as the nightmares became too much when they were little. His fighting stance relaxed.

He rushed forward and placed his hand on Thor's forehead before the older could even react to what was happening. Thor fell, now unconscious into Loki's arm who snapped his fingers and Thor was back behind the force field.

Bruce rushed to Thor's side and checked his vitals. "He's alright guys. He's just sleeping." he said noticing the worried looks on his teammates faces.

"Hey Bruce why don't you Hulk out here and break us from this damn cage of magic?" Tony asked, his faceplate still on making his voice sound robotic.

"I can't. There are civilians here. They might be Asgardians but they can still get hurt." he pointed to the large masses of people huddled against the walls in fear. They all turned their attention back to the Norse God.

"Well looks as if he has no intentions of killing anyone besides the bastard on the throne." Which was true as all the guards he fought were bruised and maybe traumatized but none of them were dead.
"I don't see why we can't let him."

"Tony, first killing is wrong. And Odin is the king of this realm. If Loki kills him we will never be able to prove his innocence." Steve lectured. They all grew silent and watched Loki fight and defeat them without missing a beat.

Loki kept on fighting using his magic and speed to beat every one of the guards that came his way. The guards had gotten less as they were either incapacitated or were to scared to fight the monster that wasn't even getting tired.

Loki summoned a sword green and black in color. There were no others guards who dared approach him. He smiled that vicious smile looking triumphant. He then looked straight to Odin who was still sitting in his chair.

Odin was in shock as the child he thought so weak had just single-handedly defeated his best men. When had this brat become so strong? It was all the more reason that Odin believed that he should be killed.

Loki then jumped with a cry that was reminiscent of a wolf's growl. Before Odin could even think Loki was moving towards him. He leaped, his sword bearing towards Odin. Before it could connect a deafening boom resounded throughout the room.

A light flashed in front of Loki and pushed him back. He was sent flying but flipped in mid-air and landed gracefully on his feet. In front of him now stood three maidens otherworldly in form and shape.

Loki snarled crouching on three while the others watched in amazement at the sight in front of them.
Well..... what a turn of events right? *laughs nervously*

Sorry if this wasn't that good.
Tell me what you think alright? Thank you for reading.

Your sincerely,

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