Finding Out

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Naruto wanted nothing more than to surprise his lovely wife, he made sure to arrange for Boruto and Himawari to be at the Hyuga compound for tonight. He even managed to get Shikamaru to take the extra work load off of him. He wanted to give Hinata the attention she deserves. So he ordered the biggest array of flowers from Ino and even imported the finest chocolates from the Yukigakure. He surpressed his chakra and opened the door, he could hear sounds but it sounded like she was upstairs. He quietly made his way up to hear moans and groans of two people. 

Naruto felt his heart drop into his stomach, he knew Hinata's moans. Those were hers and anothers that wasn't his. He approached their bedroom to see the door half ajar. Inside he could make out Hinata riding on a very familiar person.

'Shino!' Naruto thought in alarm as he burned with rage. 'Of all people Hinata, Kiba would've been better. But the Aburame.' Naruto felt tears sting his eyes, he left the place quietly as he came not wishing to disturb their love making. 

He used Hiraishin to go back to the office, Shikamaru jumped in surprise as the blond appeared before him. Then he noticed the silent tears, the crushed boxes of chocolates and the array of beautiful flowers were wilting under Naruto demonic chakra. Shikamaru knew something was very wrong. Up until an hour ago the blond was bursting with excitement of what he had in store for his wife. He even pulled out all the stops to ensure the chocolates got here on time. Shikamaru was happy for him.

It's been a while since Naruto went home other than to crash on the couch and then wake up to get ready and leave for the Hokage Tower again. So here was said perky blond looking like he got stabbed in his golden heart. Shikamaru got up and approached the blond and careful wrapped his arms around him. He was still a bit taller than Naruto so the blond rested his chin on his shoulder as the tears made a hurry down his whiskered cheeks.

"S-S-Shikamaru," Naruto sobbed as the raven wrapped his arms around the blond's back. "She's cheating!" Naruto clung to the Nara like a baby and cried his heart out. Shikamaru remained frozen. Hinata was what? His eyes widened as he realized what Naruto was saying. Hinata was cheating on Naruto.

'This is beyond bad, Hinata why would you do such a thing.' Shikamaru wondered as he tighten his hold on the blond.

"It's with Shino," Naruto grumbled as his voice was wet with tears and pain. He was shaking as he realized what he just witnessed. He didn't want to feel this pain, he never wanted this pain. But now he has it and it's tearing him apart like a depraved, hungry demon. "It hurts Maru, i-it hurts so much." 

Shikamaru cradled the blond's head ruffling the locks fondly. "I will help you Naruto. I'll make the pain go away." Naruto fell slient, his tears kept falling but his eyes were hollow. Shikamaru looked at the blond's face nesting in his shoulder and he feels something tug at him. Naruto should never look like that.

Naruto pulled back from his embrace and slipped his arms around Maru's neck. "Shikamaru help me forget." It was so innocently said that Shikamaru almost missed what Naruto was trying to say. It was only when he felt lips on his did he understand the gravity of the situation. Naruto wanted to have sex as an alternative to forgetting the bad night. 

Shikamaru groaned as Naruto began thrusting against him. He had a wife and kid. This what was happening could threaten everything they have gained in their lives. Their family, social standing and positions among the nations. But somehow it all go lost when Naruto jumped, on instinct he caught the blond feeling his hands dig into soft mounds of flesh begging to be kneed.

"Shit." Shit was right for this situation, Shikamaru should pull back now. Naruto obviously wasn't thinking, he was human going for his first line of comfort. Sex. He should pry the blond off and put him down to sleep on the futon they kept here but he couldn't. He wouldn't he should rather say.

Despite Naruto trying to forget the pain, their was the possibility that Naruto was acting on some unfulfilled desire. You obviously don't offer yourself to your advisor based on the fact your wife is cheating on you. He knew Naruto like the back of his hand, he would've drunk himself stupid before he decided to play hypocrite and cheat on his wife. But here he was laying vulnerable for Shikamaru. 

He had planted the blond on the desk scattering the paperwork every where. He didn't care, Naruto was giving him free reign and he would be damn stupid not to take it. But unfortunately he was stupid, this was akin to rape. Naruto's confused and hurt, he isn't in his right frame to say he wants this. And it doesn't matter how many times Shikamaru played with the thought of the blond riding him while he sat in the Hokage chair he wouldn't take advantage.

"Naruto you idiot." Shikamaru murmured as he kissed the blond who eagerly responded. Shikamaru forced his tongue inside licking ever surface and sucking on the blond's tongue before retreating. "That's enough by this time tomorrow you'll regret this and I'll apologize and things would be normal."

Oh how wrong he was, Naruto wasn't letting this slide. Not by a long shot. If cheating felt so damn good and pleasurable he wanted to experience it too. He wrapped his legs around the Nara and kissed him. Shikamaru held his waist, nails digging past the clothing to feel toned skin due to battles. 

"Maru, I wanna try something." Naruto mumbled against pale lips of the Nara. Shikamaru hummed letting his tongue glide over the lips on his. 

"I want to experience cheating." Naruto decided. "And your my partner."

Shikamaru's eyes widened. The blond roped him in, and for once it wasn't a drag. Shikamaru dived into his mouth again enjoying Naruto's moans as the night wore on. Not all the way today. Nope, Shikamaru had a way of breaking in the blond. Slow and Steady equals good fucking.

Shikamaru smirked and when his blond was broken in, his brutal sadistic side can come to play. He had a family, but that didn't mean he was fulfilled. Temari was a drag that lacked passion to bring the beast inside him alive. Naruto however never lacked passion in whatever he did, it was his brand. A brand Shikamaru was being offered. He would indeed be stupid not to take it. 

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