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The two fourteen year old boys stood outside nervously waiting for the go ahead to visit their mother, the ten year old daughter rocked on her feet and played with the tie on her kimono. The two year old twins were clinging to their father's legs as they waited to see Mama. Naruto wasn't one to get sick, hell Kurama healed anything that was abnormal in Naruto' body but pieces of flesh floating in his bloodstream was a delicate manner and Kurama was anything but delicate. The new baby was cleaned by a nurse and brought to the family. They hadn't even gotten a chance to name him and as sad as it might be he wouldn't be named until Naruto woke up.

Deep inside his mind Naruto was having a quiet talk with Kurama about the traits of his new son.

"So my son has the same traits as me when I was still in my mother's womb." Naruto summed up in a sentence.

"Yes, when you were conceived you pulled on my chakra absorbing bits that ultimately gave you your whisker marks. He pulled and it resulted in his claw marks. I'm sorry Naruto." Kurama apologized. Naruto slapped his nose.

"It's not your fault or my son's fault, it just shows that his chakra is compatible to yours." He smiled. "Just like how we're compatible." Kurama shook his head at his tamer.

"Say Kurama do you want to roam free after I die." Naruto said looking out at the wide lake in the mind scape. Kurama scoffed.

"No thank you I've already stretched my legs during the war,"

"But after I die would you want to be sealed again?" Naruto pressed.

"Yes I would, but only with someone from your DNA." Kurama stated. "After all your all the only humans I'm willing to protect."

"So my new born son, would you take him as your tamer when he gets older or when I die." Naruto looked at his giant kitsune with hope.

"I would be honored Naruto but that decision belongs to him." Kurama said, Naruto smiled.

"As long as you like him I have no qualms with him making the decision. Plus if he's anything like me when I got to know you I'm sure he will be happy with the decision." Naruto grinned and jumped on Kurama's head to snuggle up. 

"Ne Kurama, how about we do this evenly." The blond hummed.

"What do you mean." Kurama asked confused.

"Well I'm having kids and I want them to get the experience I have with you so would you mind giving them a kit each? Like a familiar of sorts? Think of it as like a way to pass on a tradition. Mito and Mom were not the nicest to you but then I came along. So it's like a Uzumaki trade to have a fox counterpart."  Naruto said as he felt sleepy.

"I'll think about it kit." Kurama said closing his eyes. 

"Thanks Kura." Naruto muttered into his fur.


Naruto woke up to an incessant beeping with was going at a steady rate. It annoyed him to no end so he tugged at whatever was making the noise and sighed in relief as it stopped for a moment before a long drawn out beep was heard. That queued in a lot of foot sounds and screaming. Naruto clutched his ears as the room filled up with family and doctor staff alike. 

"Can you shut the machine off and can you be quiet? My ears are ringing." Naruto groaned, both requests were followed and Naruto fell back into bed with a heavy sigh.

"How do feel Naruto? You had your family quite worried." Sakura said running a healing hand over him. 

"I feel alright, a little winded I guess but I feel fine." Naruto murmured.

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