Court Hearing

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Boruto felt anxious as he paced outside the court room where he could hear his parents arguing for custody for him and Himawari. It made it even worse since the entire village knew that his parents were separating. His mother was already facing back lash since the Aburame opened his mouth to his Clan about his intentions to marry his mother. He always knew the Aburame tend to be quiet when it came to personal matters but he just flung that out the window with his stunt.

Now he was here pacing as Shikamaru-sama and Shikadai watched him with weariness. He didn't want his mother to win, in all honesty he believes his mother would continue her habit of pawning them off on family members and friends to watch them when she wanted to get busy. 

Which was often now that he looked back on it, plus he found out he was going to be official brothers with Shikadai now that their fathers were dating. Like the hell, it was one of his pleasant thoughts. To be brothers with his best friend was awesome. But the thing holding all this back was his mother. 

No matter how hard he tried and no matter how his father said not to he couldn't help but feel a pinch of hate towards the woman. Was that bad? To feel hate towards your own mother? He sighed and flopped himself on the ground looking up at the ceiling.

He understood his father was busy and ultimately it was him being busy that drove her to cheat. But here was where he felt like strangling the woman. His father is the Hokage, of course he would be busy. He was running the whole goddamn village! The least you could do was support him instead of giving into your own self pleasure. You didn't see his father running around with other people cheating when he said he was slaving over paperwork night after night. He stayed faithful until he discovered her that night. 

He didn't blame his father for falling into Shikamaru-sama that night. He was going strong, he prepared a special night for her and she cheated on him. That broke his father, he really tried and she flung it back in his face. Whatever happens he would stand by his father's side. He may be very angry when his father couldn't spend time with him but he promised to make more time for his entire family. Boruto was happy that his father was willing to push aside his duties for a little while to spend time with them.

The doors slammed open an a very stressed court marshal came out with burnt black hair. He vaguely wondered which one of his parents caused it but judging from Himawari's smile it was safe to say it was his father. "You may now enter the court," The marshal said with a pained smile. 

When they entered Shikamaru couldn't help but pull for a cigarette. Naruto was livid and Hinata had her Byakugan active a sign when she was slowly slipping from her shy demeanor. Well this should be interesting. Shikamaru sat in the first row behind Naruto, the kids followed his example and shielded Boruto and Himawari from the glare Hinata sent their way.

"At this time we will have Boruto Uzumaki step up and recount what he knows towards the situation." The judge boomed and Hinata flared up.

"No! He's my son he doesn't have to be placed through this bull crap just because his father is Hokage." Hinata raged but even Naruto could tell she was nervous the way her hands folded in on themselves was the sign. Hinata knew her children would be the ones to place the nails in her own coffins.

Boruto stood up and gave a determined nod to his fathers before taking his oath and sat in the chair. His mother looked pissed and his father gave him a worried frown. Boruto smiled at him reassuringly. "Mr. Uzumaki you may proceed." With those orders he spilled what happened when he discovered his mother's affair. 

He didn't miss a beat and even recounted that his father knew but said nothing to keep up a stable household for them. But now that his children knew he wouldn't put them through that now that they knew their mother was not what she seemed. When he was finished he looked up timidly. His father gave an amazed look and when he looked over at his mother he froze in his seat.

Hinata looked rigid as she eyed him coldly with a disgusted snarl on her face. This was what his mother hid under the farce of a shy, humble Hyuga. A cold calculating demon ready to gut anyone who she deemed useless. Now Boruto was labeled as useless in her book and set her sights on the lone daughter.

When Boruto stepped down he gave a small hug to his sister who looked nervous as she eyed her mother who was smiling at her sweetly. She wasn't as clueless as her mother made her out to be, if she could be honest she wanted to run into her father's arms. He smelled like summer and reminded her of sunlight.

After she was sworn in she started telling what she knew, she stuttered along the way and kept glancing at her mother who was giving her crude gestures as if warning her what would be happen if she continued talking. She wanted to cry, she hiccuped slightly as she talked in low tones and after the judge told her to speak up for the fifth time she burst into tears.

"D-D-Daddy!!!" She wailed, she turned to the judge pleading with fat tears down her cheeks. "I wanna stay with Dada, he's nice. Momma isn't nice anymore, she never spends time with me. I want Dada."

She kept crying on the top of her lungs until she was cuddled into a very familiar chest, the scent of summer hit her nose and she buried herself into the chest. She sobbed on her father while he cradled her and ran a hand through her hair calming her. 

Naruto gave a frown when his daughter calmed down but still cried softly. "I'm proud baby girl. You did well and you listened to me. You called for me when you couldn't continue, your a good girl."

Himawari looked up with blindly red eyes as she softened up with her father's praises. She loved her daddy, he was so kind and loving and wasn't afraid to show it to anyone. She curled up in his chest and listened to his strong heartbeat. Naruto looked at the judge with determination.

"I think it's obvious which parent they want to go with and I know you've been observing who they feel comfortable with. So please let's stop this senseless affair, she's already caused enough damage as compensation to her I give up the family home we shared." He said giving her a once over.

He loved this woman but if this was who she truly was then she had fooled him and the rest of their friends. Some part of him felt sympathy for her knowing that the children they had together wanted nothing to do with her now. Her whole aura screamed 'Do not approach' and for once Naruto wasn't inclined to change it. For once he wasn't going to be the hero, sometimes people needed to save themselves to learn a valuable lesson.

"I agree to your terms Hokage-sama," She conceded as she deactivated her eyes. 

"With both parties agreeing this case Uzumaki vs Hyuga is now closed. You are officially divorced, I hope you find other partners that make you happy." The judge said and with that court was dismissed.

Boruto and Shikadai high fived each other before running to Naruto hugging at his feet. Shikamaru came and ruffled Himawari's hair and gave Naruto a tender smile. Hinata watched them from afar as Shino came to pick her up. 

'They look happy,' She thought as she felt jealousy bloom within her. She wanted to scream and tear the entire room apart. She did nothing wrong why were people blaming her!!!

Later that night the Uzumaki-Nara family settled down with a movie. Naruto felt happy in the moment, Shikamaru dozed off on his shoulder and chuckled when Shikadai followed suit. So him, Boruto and Himawari went to get markers for a very interesting Art mission. 

The canvases?

The sleeping Naras.

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